Clear Passage During COVID-19
It’s a difficult choice. On one hand, you have an all-natural treatment shown to give life for women diagnosed infertile, to return life or save lives for people with long-standing pain or recurring small bowel obstructions. How does a person determine the safest way to proceed?
While we read that Florida has become a new epicenter of coronavirus, a closer look shows that the dramatic growth has been in South Florida, hundreds of miles from our national headquarters. The major cities of Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, Orlando, and even Jacksonville are reporting high rates of coronavirus; generally speaking, Gainesville and Alachua County where our main clinic is situated are not. You can check rates by checking this website, which links to a dashboard for Florida statistics: https://bit.ly/2OifBL1
Many patients continue to drive to Gainesville or our locations in Saint Louis or California. Those who live near London or New York find those clinics easily accessible. Once in a Clear Passage clinic, you can be assured that we are taking the proper steps to ensure patient safety.
One advantage at Clear Passage is that we typically treat very few patients at one time. Even in our Gainesville, Florida headquarters, we generally treat a maximum of three patients a week. Additionally, each patient is reserved their own room in our clinic for the entirety of their treatment at CP. Thus, your exposure to any potential threat is much lower than in most health clinics in the USA or UK.
Flying directly to the Gainesville airport may give you a greater comfort level than flying into Jacksonville, Orlando, or Tampa (which are up to 2 hours away from our clinic). Once patients arrive, many choose to stay in a private rental home. You can have food delivered and even order food before you arrive. The grocery stores here are not crowded and the positive cases here are significantly lower than in other parts of the state.
We suggest you rent a car so you can take advantage of the numerous uncrowded outdoor sites. In Gainesville, the 400‑acre Kanahapa Botanical Gardens has beautiful topography with lakes filled with plants and flowers from all over the world. A one-hour drive and you can watch the Cedar Key sunset over the gulf. Staying in a private home is a bit like staying at your own home, interspersed with visits to a safe, clean clinic in which you are probably the only patient you are going to see.
Thus, making a determination of whether to save your life, return your quality of life, or return the ability to be a mother is not such a scary decision as it might be. Feel free to call us for more information; we look forward to helping you heal.
Celebrating Life: A Patient’ S Story Through Infertility
Two Blocked Fallopian Tubes, Despite Laparoscopy and Open Surgery - Marsha
Marsha was diagnosed with two totally blocked fallopian tubes by HSG, laparoscopy, and laparotomy (open surgery). Her pelvis was so adhered with scar tissue that she was diagnosed with “frozen pelvis.” She had no normal mobility in the pelvis because her organs and tissues were tightly adhered together in a mass. “It’s like glue was poured into her pelvis,” the physician said. “I am sorry to send you such a difficult case, but she certainly fits the criteria of therapy.”
Marsha had undergone both laparoscopy and open surgery (laparotomy) in hopes of correcting her tubal problems and decreasing her pelvic pain. Despite all medical attempts, post-surgical diagnostic tests confirmed that both of her tubes remained totally closed, and even after the pelvic surgeries, she still had significant pain. We resolved to do our best to help her.
When Marsha came in for therapy, her situation was nothing short of severe. Years of inflammation, infection, and multiple surgeries had left her pelvis feeling like a rock. The skin was deeply sucked-in at her surgical scars. Guided by the determination and skills we had developed over years of treating Belinda and others with adhesion pain, we embarked, hoping to help a woman whose (Chief of Staff) physician had told us was an “impossible case.”
We began slowly and steadily to engage our hands in the tissues of Marsha’s pelvis. In the beginning, it felt as if we were pushing against a small boulder, immobile and impassive. However, as the hours passed and the outer layers of adhesions began to detach, we noticed that the boulder began to move some upon palpation. Before long we were able to move Marsha’s boulder a bit from side to side, then top to bottom, then diagonally. Working both externally and internally, we slowly peeled away layer after layer of adhesions until the boulder began to divide into smaller structures which we called her “rocks and pebbles.” Eventually, most of these dissolved as well and we were able to actually palpate specific organs within her pelvis. About this time, she reported that her back and intercourse pain, both of which had been severe, had dissipated significantly.
At the time, we had absolutely no idea how many hours of treatment we should render if we were to open either of her tubes. We were just going by touch, feel, and patient feedback. In the end, after 23 hours of manual therapy, we felt Marsha was ready for a repeat dye test. We held our breaths as we sent our test patient for an independent follow-up dye test. To the utter surprise of everyone, the test results were nothing short of remarkable.
The diagnostic physician reported that one of Marsha’s tubes was now completely free, clear, and open with “free spillage” of the dye. In addition, the dye went measurably further through the other tube. We had done it! We had improved both tubes and totally opened one when two different surgeries had failed to achieve any results at all!
Free Virtual SIBO Conference

Still don’t have your Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) under control? Whether you’re a full-fledged tough case, a chronic relapser, or technically “SIBO free” but still dealing with all the symptoms (bloating, constipation, diarrhea, pain, and more!), I have something for you…
Learn more than 10 all-new, unconventional next steps for treating tough SIBO
Learn how hypnotherapy, Immunoglobulin Therapy, Neural Therapy, tapping, DNRS, and more “out of the box” treatments actually work for SIBO… including REAL patient case studies and groundbreaking research.
If you are new to SIBO, Dr. Siebecker has included 4 of her own Masterclasses that cover all the basics of testing and treating, prokinetics, diet, and underlying causes of SIBO.
It’s all being shared at a 48-hour free conference for SIBO patients and practitioners, created by SIBO specialist Dr. Allison Siebecker and hosted by patient advocate Shivan Sarna. Now is your chance to join.
It’s happening Nov 17-18 only, so don’t miss out.
Register for the Next Steps for Treating Tough SIBO Masterclass Summit
These speakers won’t be talking about diet or antibiotics… these are treatments and ideas you haven’t heard about before. Don’t miss it! Register here.
New Location Opening in Reno/Lake Tahoe
Anita, MSPT, WCS
With a Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sport Science from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and a Masters in Physical Therapy from the University of Delaware in 2000, Anita Lendach has 16 years of experience as a therapist — and many more as a teacher/aide in movement and health positions.
In 2009, Anita received a Women’s Health Certification Specialization, becoming one of only 61 such certified specialists in the United States. She has completed over 40 continuing education
courses throughout her career. In addition, she continues to develop her understanding of therapeutic movement through the study of yoga and rehabilitative Pilates.
“I love being a physical therapist. It gives me the opportunity to facilitate a greater level of health in each person I treat while empowering the person with tools to optimize their well-being in the present and future.”
As a Clear Passage therapist, Anita enjoys helping patients achieve their goals – whether overcoming chronic pain, avoiding obstructions, or having a child. Her treatment philosophy echoes that of Clear Passage as she melds a traditional science-based approach with deep listening and an intuitive, personal approach to best meet every patient’s individual needs.
In her personal time, she loves to explore the outdoors and travel with her husband.
Lake Tahoe & Reno
Located right next to Reno and Lake Tahoe, our new location will provide an endless amount of activities no matter what your interests are. Lake Tahoe features beautiful beaches and water-based activities as well as plenty of snow to cater to those wanting something a little colder. With an endless amount of state parks, this is the perfect spot for someone wanting to do some outdoorsy sightseeing.
Reno will provide plenty of activities for those who are drawn to big cities and all of the amenities those provide. There is no shortage of options when it comes to restaurants, casinos, shopping, and movie theaters.
Staff Pick:
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
Belinda: My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is going to Cabo San Lucas with Larry and enjoying time on the beautiful Sunset Beach.
Autumn: Usually we go to my sister’s house and eat dinner and watch football while all the kids play outside. If the weather is nice enough, we will have a small bonfire at night.
Brenda: Watching Football after eating dinner and playing board games with family.
Jessica: My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is going to my parent’s ranch. The kids get to go play with the animals and drive around the pastures on the Polaris. They jump on the trampoline and climb trees. I help my Mom in the kitchen with cooking and cleaning. My Dad and the other men usually watch football or racing. The main thing is that everyone is laughing and genuinely happy. It is a very humbling and wholesome feeling to spend quality time with my family.
Julie: Making a white bean chili with southwestern spices with the leftover turkey!
Lidia: My Thanksgiving traditions are eating Chinese takeout and binge-watching TV. I can’t pick a favorite between those two, I just really enjoy vegging out with my sister and our cats.
Carolin: My cousin’s birthday is November 23rd, so we always have a birthday cake at the end of Thanksgiving dinner. It’s nice to be able to celebrate with my entire family since we all live so far apart.
Aura: I usually stress out for 3 weeks prior to trying to cook and freeze enough food for the incoming army. So my tradition is to eat as much as possible so that I can enjoy the fruits of my labor!
Clear Passage Therapies is offering thanks to our many prior patients who have had success and upcoming patients. Your review of our services can save a life, or help fulfill dreams. Following your completed therapy, post a review on a verified website to enter a raffle for a $50 gift card!
Who qualifies for this reward?
Patients who schedule and attend 10 or more therapy hours qualify for this promotion. Patients who also have attended therapy, and have not yet posted a review, qualify as well. Reviews must be written out (simply leaving a rating does not qualify). If you have left a review before Aug 1st, 2020, you may write a new review on a different website to be entered into the raffle.
Where do I leave a review?
We recommend leaving a written review on one of the following sites: Google Reviews, Facebook, or in an online support group. If you’d like us to suggest some online support groups based on your condition – please call or email us directly. After you’ve left the review, please call or email us to let us know which website you left the review on to ensure you are entered into the raffle.
How do I enter the raffle?
At the end of each quarter, we will enter each qualified person who left a review on a verified website into the raffle. A randomly picked winner will receive a $50 Visa gift card! The winner will be contacted by phone or email. Please ensure that we have your correct mailing address on file.
If you have any questions,
feel free to contact us:
Phone: (352) 336-1433
Email: info@clearpassage.com

Ready to Write a Review?
Scan this QR code with your phone
to leave us a review on Google!
On the Air: Clear Passage Featured in Podcasts
Clear Passage Therapies was recently featured in several podcasts. Larry and Belinda Wurn had the pleasure of discussing their journey from developing their technique for relieving Belinda’s pain to treating infertility and endometriosis patients. To listen, navigate to each podcast episode using the links below.
First Lady of Nutrition Podcast:
https://bit.ly/39bHoGA, or https://annlouise.com/podcasts/
Love & Guts:
The Cycle:
The Wholesome Lotus:
Get Pregnant Naturally:
Fertility Friday:
To see published studies on Clear Passage’s effectiveness with endometriosis, infertility, SIBO, Crohn’s, chronic pain, and bowel obstructions, go to: http://www.clearpassage.com/resources/published-studies
The Clear Passage Facebook newsletter Forum and Support Group

This Forum and Support Group are intended as a meeting place for people interested in the Clear Passage Approach.
We encourage previous, current, and prospective patients to join, to share their own experiences and stories. You can help save a life or fulfill the dreams of an infertile woman by sharing your story with others on our forum.
You can ask questions, reply to others, and help others on their quest for relief from pain or dysfunction caused by adhesions.
Join the conversation now by going to: fb.com/groups/cptforum
About Us
Clear Passage Physical Therapy is a network of physical therapy clinics in the US and UK. Their clinicians have been highly trained to provide a non-surgical, drug-free treatment that has been shown to decrease adhesions in the body that cause chronic pain, female infertility, life-threatening bowel obstructions, and that contribute to SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth).
Clear Passage is the home of the Clear Passage Approach®, a unique hands-on physical therapy protocol developed over 30+ years of extensive study and clinical research by Belinda Wurn, PT and Larry Wurn, LMT.
If you’d like a free consult, please take 20 minutes and fill out this form and we can determine if therapy would be a good fit for you.