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Diet Guide for Avoiding Bowel Obstruction

Digestive Health Guide for Bowel Obstruction Patients – The Digestive Health Guide provides a comprehensive summary of health and nutrition guidelines for people who have suffered from small bowel obstruction. It describes progressive dietary tracks recommended to help keep you safe, and hopefully avoid future obstructions.

Learn about foods you should eat or avoid on each of these diet tracks, how to ‘test’ which foods you can and cannot tolerate, and how to safely transition from one diet to another. The Guide also includes sample recipes and menus.

The Guide is a collection of suggestions from various sources that our bowel obstruction patients have found beneficial. This information is not a substitute for the advice of your physician, dietician or nutritionist.

Surgical Adhesions and Bowel Obstructions – This chapter from our earliest book which describes how adhesions form after surgery and can cause numerous issues including life-threatening bowel obstructions. To learn more, you can visit our bowel obstructions page and download the chapter by clicking the link below.

For a more in-depth explanation of adhesions, you can purchase our recent book Adhesions: The Body’s Hidden Menace – Is there a Cure? as a paperback or via download as the Kindle ebook from this link at

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