What We Treat

Clear Passage® specializes in the treatment of adhesions – internal scars that can cause various types of pain and dysfunction in patients. Adhesions are bands of internal scar tissue that the body forms in response to inflammation, infection, surgery, trauma, or radiation therapy. While some go through life never feeling the effects of adhesions, others can suffer significant pain and/or dysfunction due to these scars.

Adhesions can cause or exacerbate many different conditions, including female infertility and pelvic dysfunction; digestive problems such as bowel obstruction and SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth); and various types of chronic pain. Learn more about adhesions and scar tissue.

Traditionally, adhesions have been treated with surgery. However, when the surgeon cuts or burns adhesions, the body must once again heal – and form more adhesions. Thus, many find themselves stuck in an endless cycle of surgery-adhesions-surgery, without achieving the results they want or need.

Our therapists have been treating adhesions naturally for over two decades, with good success. The results of our work are published in respected peer-reviewed medical journals.

To best understand how adhesions form, how they affect the body and how we treat them, please listen to this relaxing, but very informative audio “Voyage through the Body.”

If you’d like a free consult, please take 20 minutes and fill out this form and we can determine if therapy would be a good fit for you.