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Researchers, Advisors, Study Authors

Our team includes a group of respected physicians and scientists who act as advisors, or study authors. Under their expert guidance, we have published articles and citations in some of the most respected peer-reviewed journals in medicine.

We are continuing to conduct and publish more scientific research, including a major series of multi-center studies of our results in various areas of treating pain, infertility, adhesions, small bowel obstruction and other dysfunctions, in both men and women.

Our Team

Dr. Leslie Mendoza-Temple

Northwestern Medical School
Director of Integrative Medicine, NorthShore

Mary Lou Ballweg

Founder, Endometriosis Association

Dr. Jonathan J. Shuster

Biostatistician, University of Florida College of Medicine

Dr. Janey Pratt

Surgeon, Mass General Hospital
Tufts, Harvard and Stanford Med Schools

Dr. Leonard Weinstock

Gastroenterologist, Author
Washington Univ. Medical School

Dr. Mark Kan

Reproductive Physician
Cornell IVF Fellowship, U.C. Irvine

Dr. Lisa Conboy

Instructor in Medicine, Harvard
Research Director, NE School of Acupuncture

Dr. Richard King

Medical Director, Research Director
Gynecologist, Surgeon. Univ of Florida

Dr. Amanda Rice

Director of Clinical Studies
Doctor Medical Sciences, Two Post-Docs
U. Florida; Arizona State Medical Schools

Dr. Bernhard Klingenberg

Univ. of Florida PhD
Prof of Statistics, Williams College

Dr. Jacques L. Moritz

Gynecology Director, Mt. Sinai
Columbia and Weil Cornell Medicine

Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman

Hill Health Center, Yale University
NY Times bestselling author

Dr. Marvin Heuer

Univ Florida and Minnesota
Director Worldwide Research SKB, Ayerst (Pfizer)

Dr. Kristen Robles

Gainesville, Florida Director
and Study Author

Sharon Hepburn, PT

Director, Clear Passage St. Louis
Professor, Washington University

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