Spring Newsletter | April 2020

The Clear Passage Connection

The official newsletter of Clear Passage Physical Therapy


Our quarterly newsletters bring you
event announcements, exciting news,
and helpful resources

Inside this issue:

Welcome to Our New Team Members

On the Air: Clear Passage Podcasts

EndoMarch 2020

Staff Pick: Spring Edition

Patient Story

Welcome Our New Therapists

Charmaine will be treating patients at our new location in Detroit. She has over 20 years of experience in physical therapy including Women’s Health and Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation in Saudi Arabia.

Charmaine earned her Doctorate in Physical Therapy degree at  Utica College in 2014, and she is passionate about helping others. “Seeing the quality of life improvements in my patients is incredibly rewarding,” she says.

Charmaine is fluent in English, Arabic, and Filipino languages. In her personal time, she loves to travel with her husband and young daughter.

Melissa will be joining our team at our clinic in St. Louis. An impressive student at school and in life, she is fluent in Japanese, Chinese, German, Korean, and Thai. Before studying massage, Melissa studied International Relations in the U.S.A. and Japan.

Through compassionate and careful listening, Melissa focuses her intention on each patient’s goals, always with the end in mind. Her background in languages and culture has taught her that “no matter where you are from or what language you speak, everyone can benefit from the power of a healing touch.”

On the weekends, she loves to take her children to her family farm to ride horses, hike, camp, and swim in local rivers.

Welcome Our Gainesville
Team Members

Julie has been a physical therapist for over 26 years. She trained with the International Academy of Orthopedic Medicine, specializing in 3-dimensional joint mechanics. Julie has always had a hands-on approach to therapy, believing that touch can restore the body’s natural movement patterns through soft tissue techniques, joint mobilization, and also guiding proper therapeutic exercise patterns.

She was introduced to John Barnes’ myofascial release in 2006 and has since taken many of his continuing education courses. Julie knew immediately that Clear Passage was a perfect fit for her.

Outside of work, Julie enjoys bicycling events of up to 112 miles, paddle boarding, and yoga, and she meditates every morning.

Lidia is our new Reception Coordinator at the Gainesville, Florida headquarters. With an academic background in communications, Lidia is a welcome addition to the Clear Passage team with her upbeat personality, warm smile, and her ability to make everyone who enters the clinic feel comfortable. Lidia loves traveling, history, and learning about other cultures.

She is a cat mom to 5 kitties: Sweetie, Cali, Jiggles, Benji, and Sevy. Lidia says, “What I like about Clear Passage is how nice everyone is, and how the environment here is very warm. It’s clear that everyone here is very passionate about what they do and I think that’s incredible.”

The Worldwide Endometriosis March (abbreviated EndoMarch) is the first global campaign involving synchronized, multi-city ‘march and rally’ demonstrations to raise awareness of endometriosis. An incurable and potentially debilitating disease, endometriosis is fairly common, affecting at least 1 in 10 women and girls. Despite this, the average diagnostic delay is 10 years, and patients are routinely denied adequate medical care. Symptoms include pain with periods and ovulation, pain during or after sex, changes in bowel or bladder habits, chronic pelvic pain, and infertility.

Clear Passage will be represented at the EndoMarch in Detroit (date TBA). Our Clear Passage Detroit affiliates will have a booth to share our research and services. If you plan on attending, please stop by!

To learn more about EndoMarch, including how to get involved in your local city, visit www.endomarch.org.

The Clear Passage Approach: How Treating Adhesions
Relieves Endometriosis Pain and Improves Fertility

Adhesions are frequently found at the site of endometrial implants. When these tissues swell each month, the pull of adhesions can restrict normal function and cause pain and infertility.

The Clear Passage Approach focuses on detaching these adhesions. When they are released, the endometrial tissue can swell and shrink freely without causing pain and discomfort.

On the Air:
Clear Passage Featured in Podcasts

Clear Passage Therapies was recently featured in several podcasts. Larry and Belinda Wurn had the pleasure of discussing their journey from developing their technique for relieving Belinda’s pain to treating infertility and endometriosis patients. To listen, navigate to each podcast episode using the links below.

Love & Guts:

The Cycle:

The Wholesome Lotus:

Get Pregnant Naturally:

To see published studies on Clear Passage’s effectiveness with endometriosis, infertility, SIBO, Crohn’s, chronic pain, and bowel obstructions, go to: https://clearpassage.com/resources/published-studies

 Upcoming Podcasts

Larry and Belinda Wurn completed interviews for these podcasts, which will air over the next few months. Keep an eye on our Facebook page, where we will announce when each one airs!

Fertility Friday (https://fertilityfriday.com/)

The Healthy Gut (www.thehealthygut.com)

Staff Pick: Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning – it isn’t just for your house! This Staff Pick challenges us to asses our life; to take stock of what’s not working for us and clear away clutter and cobwebs. This can be physical, digital, financial, mental/emotional, or intangible in other ways. How will you “spring clean” this season?

Larry: My goal this spring is to get my desk organized.Belinda: I’ve already gotten rid of many pairs of shoes, and I’ll spend 15 minutes a day going through clothes I no longer wear.Jessica: My spring cleaning is paying off all our debt so we can buy a house and prepare for our miracle baby.Autumn: I would like to refresh my budget – to straighten out my finances to plan more vacation and family time this year.Penny: My spring cleaning includes my diet, which I want to be healthier.

Kristen: I’m feeling motivated to tidy up and organize my work desk.

Suzette: I’m going to tackle my Fibber McGee’s closet – the cluttered space underneath my stairs.

Julie: Since Hurricane Michael, I’ve been cleaning my belongings and spiritual life, including downsizing my storage unit every few weeks.

Brenda: I am spring-cleaning my physical and mental health by exercising, reading more, and meditating.

Stephanie: I’m going to tidy my home office space to make room for a meditation corner.

Bonus Staff Pick: Our Favorite Flowers

Flowers are blooming here at our Gainesville, Florida headquarters with the arrival of spring. Here are some of our favorite flowers. What are some of your favorite parts of spring?

The Clear Passage Facebook
Forum and Support Group

This Forum and Support Group are intended as a meeting place for people interested in the Clear Passage Approach.

We encourage previous, current, and prospective patients to join, to share their own experiences and stories. You can help save a life or fulfill the dreams of an infertile woman by sharing your story with others on our forum.

You can ask questions, reply to others, and help others on their quest for relief from pain or dysfunction caused by adhesions.

Join the conversation now by going to: fb.com/groups/cptforum

Relief from Bowel Obstructions After Major Surgeries

For the full story, go to: www.clearpassage.com/testimonials/videos/

Six years ago I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer and underwent multiple surgeries. Since then, I’ve had nine bowel blockages. I was no longer a candidate for any surgery and my quality of life was horrible. All I wanted to do was sit on the couch – I didn’t want to go places, I didn’t want to travel anymore. Every day I wondered if I was going to obstruct again.

My husband looked online to find alternative ways to fix adhesions and scar tissue. The first thing that came up was Clear Passage. As soon as we could, we called to make an appointment. They answered all my questions and concerns very concisely and clearly.

From the moment I walked through the front door, everyone – the receptionist, the therapists, the people in the office – had nothing but smiles. They welcomed me with open arms. This place is a place of touch. They touched me from head to toe. From the first day, I’ve had relief!

When I first got here, my belly was so hard. Now after my 5 days of therapy, my belly has softened up – to almost pillow-soft, marshmallow-soft. The difference is night and day! Knowing that I can avoid more surgery makes me joyful. Even my husband cries, to think that I won’t have to go through all that again. Come see what this team of wonderful, professional, caring, and loving people can do for you, as they’ve done for me.

About Us

Clear Passage Physical Therapy is a network of physical therapy clinics in the US and UK. Their clinicians have been highly trained to provide a non-surgical, drug-free treatment that has been shown to decrease adhesions in the body that cause chronic pain, female infertility, life-threatening bowel obstructions, and that contribute to SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth).

Clear Passage is the home of the Clear Passage Approach®, a unique hands-on physical therapy protocol developed over 30+ years of extensive study and clinical research by Belinda Wurn, PT, and Larry Wurn, LMT.

If you’d like a free consult, please take 20 minutes and fill out this form and we can determine if therapy would be a good fit for you.