Larry Wurn, LMT
- President & CEO
- About 50,000 treatment hours
- Author of Miracle Moms – The Clear Passage Story
- Author of Overcome Infertility and Pain – Naturally
- Author of Adhesions – The Body’s Hidden Menace
- Co-developer of the Wurn Technique® and Clear Passage Approach®
Larry Wurn is CEO of Clear Passage. With his wife Belinda, he co-developed the Wurn Technique® and Clear Passage Approach®, a non-surgical treatment for pain, female infertility, bowel obstruction, and sexual dysfunction.
Larry is a graduate of San Francisco State University (BS in English / Creative Writing, 1972) and the Florida Institute of Natural Health (LMT, 1990). He is a Florida-licensed massage therapist.
Something of a Renaissance man, Larry was Guest Curator at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, initiating and directing large art expositions for that city and those museums. Then he ran into his childhood love, Belinda. “We fell in love all over again,” he said “right before she developed cancer.” The surgery and radiation therapy to treat the cancer likely saved her life, but left her in debilitating pain – due to adhesions. A year afterwards, he saw the love of his life racked with pain, and knew he had to do something. Understanding that adhesions were the cause of her pain, and that surgery would only make things worse, he stopped everything he was doing to help her find a cure. Neither of them knew at the time – this effort would define his adult life – and become Clear Passage.
Along with Belinda, Larry studied manual therapy with recognized experts in the U.S. and Europe to help treat his wife for the severe pain and dysfunction she experienced from surgery and pelvic radiation. Prior to the development of the Wurn Technique, Belinda had been unable to find relief through traditional medical care. Larry and Belinda combined the most effective techniques of the instructors with whom they studied, then refined and developed their own techniques to create the unique treatment used in Clear Passage clinics today.
Larry has performed over 36,000 hours of manual therapy, and admits that his hands are getting tired. Straying from his arts background, he co-authored pioneering studies on the use of the Wurn Technique and Clear Passage Approach to treat chronic pain, endometriosis, women’s sexual health, and infertility. His research has been published in numerous peer-reviewed medical journals including the Journal of Endometriosis, Medscape General Medicine, Contemporary Ob/Gyn, Healthcare, Journal of Clinical Medicine, and Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. These citations demonstrate positive results treating endometriosis pain, opening blocked fallopian tubes, increasing IVF success, clearing adhered and blocked intestines, and improving fertility.
Larry has lectured at several RESOLVE (National Fertility Association) symposiums and has presented our research findings to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine on topics such as endometriosis, sexual pain and dysfunction, and research supporting complementary therapies for fertility. He has also presented a study abstract, now published in the journal Gastroenterology, to 15,000 gastroenterology physicians at the 2015 Digestive Disease Week meeting. The abstract, titled “Treating Small Bowel Obstructions with a Manual Physical Therapy,” examined Clear Passage’s non-surgical treatment of recurring bowel obstructions. In addition, Larry joined some of the top U.S. gastroenterology experts to deliver a presentation to over 500 physicians — onsite and online — on the importance of treating bowel adhesions in patients with unresolved SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) at the 2015 SIBO Symposium.
Larry is charged with recruiting the finest physical therapists available to direct and staff Clear Passage locations in the U.S. and United Kingdom.
He graduated B.S. in English and Creative Writing from University of California and San Francisco. He feels that his lifetime background in the arts blends well with the more scientifically oriented physical therapists on staff, who learn the Clear Passage Approach. “At its core, our work is built on a foundation of measurable science – blended at times with fine art.”
Before developing their work with infertility, endometriosis and bowel obstructions, Larry and Belinda owned a network of chronic pain clinics.
Selected peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order):
Wurn BF, Wurn LJ, King CR, Heuer MA, Roscow AS, Scharf ES, Shuster JJ. (2004) Treating Female Infertility and Improving IVF Pregnancy Rates with a Manual Physical Therapy Technique. Med Gen Med, 6(2): 51. PMID 15266276.
Wurn LJ, Wurn BF, King CR, Roscow AS, Scharf ES, Shuster JJ. (2004) Increasing Orgasm and Decreasing Dyspareunia by a Manual Physical Therapy Technique. Med Gen Med, 6(4): 47. PMID 1577587
Wurn LJ, Wurn BF, Kan M, King CR, Roscow AS, Scharf ES. (2006) Treating hydrosalpinx with a manual physical therapy. Fertil Steril., 86 (Supp 2): S307. Abstract.
Wurn LJ, Wurn BF, King CR, Roscow AS, Scharf ES, Shuster JJ. (2006) Treating endometriosis pain with a manual physical therapy. Fertil Steril., 86 (Supp 2): S262. Abstract.
Wurn LJ, Wurn BF, King CR, Roscow AS, Scharf ES, Shuster JJ. (2006) Improving sexual function in patients with endometriosis via a pelvic physical therapy. Fertil Steril., 86 (Supp 2): S29-30. Abstract.
- Highlighted in: Contemporary Ob/Gyn, Technology, Vol. 53, April 15, 2008, p. 12.
Wurn BF, Wurn LJ, King CR, Heuer MA, Roscow AS, Hornberger K, Scharf ES. (2008) Treating Fallopian Tube Occlusion with a Manual Pelvic Physical Therapy. Altern Ther Health Med, 14(1):18-23. PMID 18251317.
- Highlighted in: Contemporary Ob/Gyn, Technology, Vol. 53, April 15, 2008, p. 12.
- Rice AD, King CR, Reed ED, Patterson K, Wurn BF and WurnLJ. (2013) Manual Physical Therapy for Non-Surgical Treatment of Adhesion-Related Small Bowel Obstructions: Two Case Reports. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2:1-12. doi:10.3390/jcm2010001
- Rice AD, Reed ED, Patterson K, Wurn BF and Wurn LJ. (2012) Clearing Bowel Obstruction and Decreasing Pain in a Terminally Ill Patient via Manual Physical Therapy. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 16(3):222-3. PMID: 23362839
- Rice AD, Wakefield LB, Patterson K, Reed ED, Wurn BF, King CR, and Wurn LJ. (2014) Decreasing Adhesions and Avoiding Further Surgery in a Pediatric Patient Involved in a Severe Pedestrian versus Motor Vehicle Accident. Pediatric Reports, 6:5126. PMID: 24711912
- Rice AD, Wakefield LB, Patterson K, Reed ED, Wurn BF, Klingenberg B, King CR and Wurn LJ. (2014) Development and validation of a questionnaire to measure serious and common quality of life issues for patients experiencing small bowel obstructions. Healthcare, 2(1): 139-149. doi:10.3390/healthcare2010139
- Rice AD, Patterson K, Wurn BF, King CR and Wurn LJ. (2014) Update on “Decreasing dyspareunia and dysmenorrhea in women with endometriosis via a manual physical therapy: results from 2 independent studies”. Journal of Endometriosis, 6(3):161-162. doi: 10.5301/je.5000193
- Rice AD, Patterson K, Wakefield LB, Reed ED, Breder KP, Wurn BF, King CR and Wurn LJ. (2015) Ten-year retrospective study on the efficacy of a manual physical therapy to treat female infertility. Alt Ther Health Med, 21(3):32-40.
- Rice, A.D., Patterson, K., Reed, E.D., Wurn, B.F., Klingenberg, B., King III, C.R., & Wurn, L.W. (2016). Treating small bowel obstruction with a manual physical therapy: A prospective efficacy study. BioMed Research International, 2016: 7610387. doi: 10.1155/2016/7610387
- Rice AD, Klingenberg B, Wurn BF, King CR and Wurn LJ. (2015) Treating Small Bowel Obstruction with a Manual Physical Therapy: A Controlled Prospective Efficacy Study, Gastroenterology. 148(4):S-644. doi: 10.1016/S0016-5085(15)32174-07
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