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Transitioning to a Regular Diet from a Low or Minimal Fiber Diet

Certain medical conditions require a person to restrict their fiber intake, including Chron’s Disease, Small Bowel Obstruction (SBO), and acute diverticulitis. Your medical adviser may also recommend a Low-Fiber Diet if there is a narrowing of the bowel due to a tumor or an inflammatory disease; after bowel surgery, or when treatment, such as radiation, […]

Low Fiber Diet for Digestive Disorders

Fiber is found in plant foods, such as vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, legumes, and seeds. It is considered an indigestible carbohydrate. Sometimes when your bowel becomes obstructed or if the risk of bowel obstruction is present, your doctor or dietician may advise you to follow a Low-Fiber Diet. In doing so, you lessen stool bulk […]