Avoid Surgery to Remove the Tailbone (Coccygectomy)

Overview Pain at the tailbone (coccyx bone) can range from inconvenient to totally debilitating. As pain increases, some people find it difficult or virtually impossible to sit – making their lives miserable. Unfortunately, very few treatment regimens have been studied to treat this condition. Coccyx pain (coccydynia or coccygodynia) generally begins with a trauma – […]
Avoid Surgery for Recurrent Small Bowel Obstruction

Overview Small bowel obstruction creates major challenges for physicians and their patients. While a total small bowel obstruction is life-threatening and must often be dealt with surgically, it is accepted fact that surgery is the number one cause of recurring bowel obstructions. Thus, the last resort medical treatment for small bowel obstruction is also the […]
Avoid Surgery for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Success Treating PCOS Infertility Without Surgery Clear Passage®️ is a world leader approaching three decades of experience treating female infertility without surgery or drugs. In a landmark 10-year study[i] treating infertile women, our non-surgical therapy yielded pregnancy rates for women infertile with PCOS at rates similar to standard medical treatments, but without surgery (study chart […]
Avoid Surgery for Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Overview Fallopian tubes are the delicate environment where life begins. Each of these two narrow structures is the place where a one-celled egg can meet a sperm, creating a life that will continue its journey to implantation in the uterus. As such, this tiny organ must be patent (open) and able to function freely and without restriction […]
Avoid Surgery for Hydrosalpinx

Overview Hydrosalpinx is a condition that occurs when a fallopian tube is blocked and fills with serous or other fluid after blockage or narrowing at the distal end of the tube, near the ovary. Hydrosalpinx is one aspect of tubal disease. With these conditions, the tube becomes distended giving the tube a characteristic sausage-like shape. The blockage […]
Avoid Endometriosis Surgery

“After years of struggling with endometriosis pain and painful intercourse, I felt relieved to find a facility that would treat the root of my problems. Everyone was so professional, knowledgeable, and caring. Thank You!” Rosie Patient Overview The mechanical problems caused by endometrial implants are increased significantly by adhesions — internal scars that frequently form […]
Avoid Surgery for Adhesions

Discover hope for adhesion-related pain and dysfunction with Clear Passage Physical Therapy’s non-surgical, hands-on approach – Request Information and schedule your Free Consultation today to explore how our expert therapists can help you avoid surgery and improve your quality of life. To learn more about our innovative treatment methods and take the first step towards […]
Avoid Exploratory Surgery for Unexplained Pain

“After years of incapacitating back problems, I have now received my first 12 hours of treatment at Clear Passage. I am amazed that I feel physically so much better, in such a short time. It is remarkable to me that I can now bend over, virtually pain free, for the first time in 14 years! […]
The Hidden Dangers of Anesthesia

Surgery is a stressful and costly yet necessary event for millions of Americans each year, requiring the use of anesthesia. Most people know that anesthesia is used to numb the body so that the patient does not feel pain during the procedure. What you may not realize is that there are a number of side […]