Migraines/Chronic Headaches

We Treat Migraine and Headache Pain Without Drugs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0DFf3ahy2Qhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9rwxH1RMxIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PNG1sTOwrE Testimonials of Clear Passage patients who used to have Chronic Migraines/Headaches. Migraine headaches can be caused by ‘mechanical’ factors, which are sometimes overlooked or left untreated by physicians. Clear Passage®️ therapists have successfully treated severe and recurring migraine headaches without drugs for over 20 years. Our […]
Childhood Surgery & Trauma

We Treat Pain or Problems From Childhood Surgery and Trauma Without Surgery or Drugs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crbnQEKUYhU Surgery can create problems for children and young adults as the body attempts to grow around tissues that become adhered as a result of early surgery. Untreated, these problems can persist or become worse in adulthood, affecting the body for […]
Tailbone (Coccyx) Pain

We Treat Tailbone Pain Without Drugs or Surgery The tailbone (coccyx) is vulnerable to direct and often repeated traumas that can begin early in life. A fall onto the buttocks while walking, climbing, skating or during other athletic activities can cause direct blows that injure this delicate area. Repetitive traumas to the coccyx can occur […]
Back & Hip Pain

We Treat Back and Hip Pain Naturally “After years of incapacitating back problems, I have now received my first 12 hours of treatment at Clear Passage. I am amazed that I feel physically so much better, in such a short time. It is remarkable to me that I can now bend over, virtually pain free, […]
Neck Pain

We Treat Chronic or Recurring Neck Pain Without Surgery or Drugs Clear Passage®️ therapists have successfully treated severe and recurring pain in the neck and nearby areas for over 20 years. This non-surgical, drug-free manual physio/physical therapy can decrease or eliminate mechanical restrictions throughout the neck, head, shoulders, and back, helping you return to a […]
C-Section Pain

APPLY FOR FERTILITY LOAN We Treat C-Section Pain Naturally, Without Surgery or Drugs The body forms adhesions after surgical procedures, including C-section. Clear Passage®️ is a world leader in treating pelvic pain with a non-surgical manual physio/physical therapy. We have over three decades of experience treating C-section and intercourse pain. Studies on our work, including […]
Hysterectomy Pain

APPLY FOR FERTILITY LOAN Discover lasting relief from post-hysterectomy pain with Clear Passage Physical Therapy’s Free Consult and Request Info – learn how their unique, non-surgical approach has helped countless women regain comfort and quality of life, and take the first step towards your personalized treatment plan today. To learn more visit our Apply to […]
High Success Rates Treating Intercourse Pain, Naturally

APPLY FOR FERTILITY LOAN We Treat Intercourse Pain Naturally, Without Surgery or Drugs “After years of struggling with endometriosis pain and painful intercourse, I felt relieved to find a facility that would treat the root of my problems. Everyone was so professional, knowledgeable, and caring. Thank You!”Rosie My primary goal was to become pregnant and […]
Menstrual Pain

APPLY FOR FERTILITY LOAN “Just wanted to let you know that I just finished a virtually pain-free menstruation for the first time since – I really can’t remember, it’s been so long! They were so awful before. Thank you SO much – I will continue to keep you informed of my progress.” Emily Patient We […]
Adhesions: The Hidden Cause of Chronic Pain (Infographic)