My 5 Options If I Have Infertility from Endometriosis

Infertility can be caused by endometriosis, an inflammatory condition sometimes accompanied by pain. However, it is nearly always associated with internal bonds called adhesions. People respond to endometriosis-related infertility in a variety of ways. They may opt-out of parenthood, welcome a baby through surrogacy, or start a family through adoption. Women with endometriosis may treat […]
Endometriosis & Infertility

Treating Endometriosis Infertility Naturally Clear Passage® is a world leader with over three decades of experience decreasing pain and improving fertility in women with endometriosis, without surgery or drugs. Initially, several peer-reviewed pilot studies examined our results treating pain and infertility in women with endometriosis. A ten-year, PubMed indexed study[i] of 1392 infertile women compared […]
Everything About Endometriosis

Patient Story: Taking Back What Endometriosis Took From Me

From robbing her of precious time with loved ones to hindering professional growth, endometriosis can affect all aspects of a woman’s life. “Endometriosis has taken a lot of things from me,” says Philippa, a former Clear Passage patient. Below, she discusses her endometriosis journey – including finding relief – and offers her advice for other […]