Understanding Secondary Infertility: 10 Key Factors to Consider

Secondary infertility can be a puzzling and emotional journey for many women who have previously conceived easily. If you find yourself in this situation, you might be wondering, “Why am I now having trouble getting pregnant?” In this article, we’ll break down ten key factors that our therapists examine when working with women experiencing secondary infertility. Understanding these factors can help shed light on potential causes and guide you towards the right solutions.

  1. C-Section:

Have you had a previous c-section? While c-sections are often necessary for safe deliveries, they can lead to adhesions and scar tissue. These can block your fallopian tubes or hinder proper implantation, making it harder to conceive.

  1. Episiotomy:

Did you have an episiotomy during childbirth? The scar from an episiotomy can cause adhesions that reach into your vagina and cervix, making your cervix stiff and preventing sperm from passing through effectively.

  1. Hormonal Changes:

Have your hormone levels been checked since giving birth? Pregnancy and aging can bring about hormonal changes that might affect your fertility. Keep an eye on any changes in your menstrual cycle, such as increased heaviness or alterations in the number of days.

  1. Surgeries:

Have you undergone any surgeries since your last pregnancy? Surgeries can lead to the formation of adhesions that impair fertility, so it’s essential to consider this aspect.

  1. Trauma:

Have you experienced any traumatic events like car accidents, falls, or abuse? These events can result in long-lasting injuries, pelvic imbalances, and adhesions, which may negatively impact your fertility.

  1. Infection:

Have you had bladder, vaginal, or yeast infections since your last pregnancy? Infections can cause adhesions to develop in the delicate structures of the female pelvis, potentially affecting fertility in various ways.

  1. Inflammation:

Have you been diagnosed with new inflammatory conditions like endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)? Inflammation can directly lead to the formation of adhesions, which can, in turn, impact your fertility.

  1. Pelvic or Back Pain:

 Have you experienced hip, back, or pelvic pain since pregnancy? Pain is your body’s way of signaling that something is wrong. Pelvic pain, for instance, could be related to infertility, such as a hip injury near the fallopian tubes.

  1. Sexual Dysfunction or Intercourse

Pain: Have you encountered any sexual dysfunction or pain during intercourse since pregnancy? Problems like decreased desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, or satisfaction may indicate the presence of adhesions in the reproductive tract, potentially causing infertility.

  1. Ovulation or Menstrual

Pain: Have you noticed any new ovulation or menstrual pain since your last pregnancy? Ovulation pain can be a sign that adhesions are restricting proper ovary function. New menstrual pain may suggest adhesions around the uterus, hindering proper implantation.


Experiencing secondary infertility can be frustrating and confusing, but by exploring these ten key factors, you can gain a better understanding of potential causes. If you’re concerned about your fertility, consult with a healthcare professional or fertility specialist who can help you navigate this challenging journey and explore possible solutions tailored to your unique situation. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey, and there is support and guidance available to help you achieve your dream of expanding your family.

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