All-Natural Therapy for Asherman’s Syndrome (Cervical Stenosis & Infertility)
Natural Pregnancy at Age 40 Despite High FSH, Low AMH, and Premature Ovarian Failure
Treating High FSH Naturally and Opened Tubes
The Science of Opening
Blocked Fallopian Tubes
High FSH, Only One Tube, the Other Blocked with Hydrosalpinx
Three Children Conceived Naturally after CP Therapy alone
Four Failed IVFs, About to Give Up, then Natural
Pregnancy after CP Alone (Healthcare Professional)
2 Babies After Stage 4 Endometriosis, failed IVF, and 4 surgeries
Secondary Infertility, then
Two Natural Pregnancies
Celebrating Our 1000th Baby
Over 20 Years of Success!
Three Failed IVFs, Feeling Awful
Then Success After Clear Passage
Comparing Clear Passage to IVF
Treating Adhesions Drastically Increases IVF Pregnancy Rates
Examining Natural Therapy
For PCOS Adhesions (short)
Treating Endometriosis
and Adhesions (short)
Patient Story: Two Natural Pregnancies After Blocked Fallopian Tubes
Julie, a former patient, talks about treatment at Clear Passage and how it has changed her life.

What brought you to Clear Passage?
I had an IUD put in in 2009. Immediately afterward, I began to experience a little pain during intercourse which got worse until I got the IUD removed in January 2012. The pain continued and in November 2012, I had a laparoscopy. The doctor discovered adhesions and endometriosis. She also performed an HSG test which revealed that both fallopian tubes were completely blocked. I was informed that my only options for children were IVF or adoption and she didn’t know what to do about the painful intercourse. I used the Internet to search the words adhesions, blocked tubes, painful intercourse and Clear Passage was one of the first sites to come up. The information and the clinical research made very practical sense to me, so I decided to try it.
What was the treatment program like?
I did the 20-hour one week intensive therapy (4 hours per day). I worked with wonderful therapists who were very empathetic and educational. They helped me understand what was going on, they allowed me to guide the therapy sessions, and they treated the entire body – not just specific areas of concern. I could actually feel the tissue loosening up so I knew it was effective treatment. They were also great at listening and creating healing conversation that made the sessions more effective. They taught me self-therapy techniques to continue at home so I felt empowered and in control of healing myself. After therapy, they also did phone consultations whenever I had any questions or concerns.
What were the results of your therapy?
Immediately afterward, intimacy with my husband drastically improved and 6 months after therapy I conceived my first son. Some friends and family just told me it was a fluke or a “miracle baby”. But 15 months after my son was born, I conceived my second child who is due May 2015. I feel like I am fully recovered and if I choose to have more children, it will be a possibility.
Do you have any advice for other women who are struggling with fertility issues?
Educate yourself. Don’t just listen to medical doctors. Get second, third, and fourth opinions from a variety of experts. Physical therapists, chiropractors, nutritionists, acupuncturists, herbalists, fitness experts, etc. Because I was the wife of a future chiropractor, I was able to think holistically when it comes to my health. That’s why Clear Passage made so much sense to me.
If you’d like a free consult, please take 20 minutes and fill out this form and we can determine if therapy would be a good fit for you.