The Clear Passage Connection
WE’RE OPEN: Clear Passage® clinics are open and receiving patients. Staff and therapists follow CDC guidelines and safety procedures to ensure everyone’s health and wellbeing, while providing world-class care and life-saving treatment.

Our quarterly newsletters bring you event announcements, exciting news and helpful resources.
Inside this issue:
Two New Forums & Support Groups: Infertility and Bowel Obstruction
Endo Awareness Month is Over, Endo is not
Endometriosis Patient Testimonials
On the Air: Clear Passage Podcasts
Clear Passage During COVID-19
Staff Pick: Favorite Springtime Activity


Our researchers and physical therapists have studied the internal scars called adhesions for over 30 years. Where we can, we will share insights from several decades of experience in this area.
This forum is a place for anyone interested in this subject to ask questions that we (or others) may be able to answer accurately – preferably with medically or scientifically verifiable facts.
We are not here to promote our services or anyone else’s. We invite members to share their experiences with providers – or anything that has helped them (food, drink, exercise, supplement, etc.) We are not interested in second-hand accounts (e.g. my friend told me she followed a regimen of [blank] and did well). We support first-hand accounts and published scientific data.
If you or someone you know is struggling with infertility, please feel free to stop by and speak with others going through the same thing. You can join by following this link:
If you or someone you know is struggling with bowel obstructions, please stop by our support group. You can join by following this link:
Six Years of Infertility and Stage IV Endometriosis-Liz's Story
When I was 24 years old, I was diagnosed with stage IV endometriosis. After I underwent surgery, my pain increased in severity and frequency.
Two years later, I married my long-time boyfriend, and we planned to have a perfect family. Because of my complications with endometriosis, I sought help from a fertility specialist and underwent another laparoscopic surgery. The surgeon drained a cyst, removed any endometriosis she found, and removed a stapled sac that was attached to the left ovary from my previous surgery.
Although the surgeon was optimistic that my endometriosis pain would be reduced, she told my husband and me we had a 1% chance of conceiving naturally. I was heartbroken; words cannot express the pain I endured at that moment.
I prayed for a miracle or sign of hope. Then, I received a phone call from my sister. On her local news, there was a feature about a manual physical therapy treatment that could help women with endometriosis and infertility.
My husband was skeptical at first, but I needed to try it out. I immediately called and received a packet of information about the therapy. What we read made sense to us, so my husband and I decided to sign me up for the treatment. We packed our bags and headed to Florida.
The rest is history. Ten days after the treatment and six years of battling with infertility, I was pregnant! My husband and I were so shocked we had to administer the pregnancy test three times, to be sure.
I had a full-term pregnancy and gave birth to our beautiful baby boy. My son will be four at the end of this month and we also have another addition to the family. I was able to conceive another baby three years later. She is almost a year old now. When we look at our children’s faces and into their eyes, we are still amazed by our little miracles.
Adhesions frequently accompany endometrial implants. When these tissues swell each month, the pull of adhesions can restrict normal function and cause pain and infertility.
The Clear Passage® Approach focuses on detaching these adhesions. After we release them, endometrial tissue can swell and shrink freely without causing pain and discomfort.
You can learn more about our treatment for endometriosis pain or endometriosis infertility.

Clear Passage Therapies was recently featured in several podcasts. Larry and Belinda Wurn had the pleasure of discussing their journey from developing their technique for relieving Belinda’s pain to treating infertility and endometriosis patients. To listen, navigate to each podcast episode using the links below.
First Lady of Nutrition Podcast:, or
Love & Guts:
The Cycle:
The Wholesome Lotus:
Get Pregnant Naturally:
Fertility Friday:
To see published studies on Clear Passage’s effectiveness with endometriosis, infertility, SIBO, Crohn’s, chronic pain, and bowel obstructions, go to:
Clear Passage® Physical Therapy has remained open over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. As vaccinations are being distributed, we are noticing a decline in COVID-19 cases throughout the state of Florida. Many of our clinic staff have been vaccinated as well. In Gainesville, where our main clinic is located, we currently have very few COVID cases. You can check rates at this website, which links to a dashboard for Florida statistics: click here.
Many patients continue to drive or fly into Gainesville or U.S. locations. Those who live near London or New York find those clinics are easily accessible. Once in a Clear Passage® clinic, you can be assured that we are taking the proper steps to ensure patient safety.
One advantage for Clear Passage® patients is that we typically treat very few patients each week. Even in our Gainesville, Florida headquarters, we generally treat a maximum of three patients a week. Thus, your exposure to any potential threat is much lower than most health clinics in the USA or UK. Additionally, you are reserved a room for your treatment; that room is disinfected and sanitized twice daily. Our staff takes all precautions to ensure a safe and healthy treatment.
Florida clinic: Flying directly to the Gainesville airport may give you a greater comfort level than flying into Jacksonville, Orlando, or Tampa (which are up to 2 hours away from our clinic). Once patients arrive, many choose to stay in a private rental home. You can order food delivered and even order food before you arrive. The grocery stores here are not crowded and the positive cases here are significantly lower than elsewhere.
Rent a car to take advantage of the numerous uncrowded outdoor sites. In Gainesville, the 400‑acre Kanahapa Botanical Gardens has beautiful topography with lakes. It is filled with plants and flowers from all over the world. After a day of therapy, a one-hour drive to Cedar Key treats you to sunset over the Gulf of Mexico. Staying in a private home is a bit like staying at your own home, interspersed with visits to a safe, clean clinic in which you are probably the only patient you are going to see.
Thus, making a determination of whether to save your life, return your quality of life or return fertility need not be a scary decision. Feel free to call us for more information; we look forward to helping you heal.
We understand that many people have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Stress can take a toll on the body and even create adhesions, leading to chronic pain – especially in the neck and back. Our staff chimed in with some activities that decrease stress, and get them outside and active!
Larry: “Relaxing and breathing deeply while lying on my back in the grass looking up at the clouds (in the daytime) and at the starts (at night)!”
Belinda: “Visit somewhere new, read a new book, and take wildlife photos.”
Autumn: “Having picnics in the park with my daughter and friends!”
Brenda: “I enjoy gardening in the spring, and making time to be outside in the sunshine.”
Julie: “Riding my bicycle and paddle boarding!”
Lidia: “Spring Cleaning. Well, the general concept is more enjoyable to me than the activity, but it’s necessary.”
Kristen: “I always enjoy visiting a local blueberry farm to pick fresh blueberries with my family on a beautiful spring day!”
Jessica: “My family enjoys planting new flowers and getting our yard looking pretty!”
However you choose to enjoy springtime remember to follow CDC guidelines for safety and health. The best way to get through this pandemic is by working together. Wear a mask, social distance, and hang in there!
About Us
Clear Passage Physical Therapy is a network of physical therapy clinics in the US and UK. Our clinicians have been highly trained to provide a non-surgical, drug-free treatment that has been shown to decrease adhesions in the body that cause chronic pain, female infertility, life-threatening bowel obstructions, and that contribute to SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth).
Our clinics are the home of the Clear Passage® Approach, a unique hands-on physical therapy protocol developed over 30+ years of extensive study and clinical research by Belinda Wurn, PT and Larry Wurn, LMT.
If you’d like a free consult, please take 20 minutes and fill out this form and we can determine if therapy would be a good fit for you.