Our First Scientific Test Case: Two Blocked Fallopian Tubes, Despite Laparoscopy and Open Surgery – Marsha’s Story

Marsha was diagnosed with two totally blocked fallopian tubes by HSG, laparoscopy, and laparotomy (open surgery). Her pelvis was so adhered with scar tissue that she was diagnosed with “frozen pelvis.” That is, she had no normal mobility in the pelvis because her organs and tissues were tightly adhered together in a mass.

“It’s like glue was poured into her pelvis,” the physician said. “I am sorry to send you such a difficult case, but she certainly fits the criteria of your study.” Marsha had undergone both laparoscopy and open surgery (laparotomy) in hopes of correcting her tubal problems and decreasing her pelvic pain. Despite all medical attempts, post-surgical diagnostic tests confirmed that both of her tubes remained to tally closed, and even after the pelvic surgeries, she still had significant pain.We resolved to do our best to help her.

When Marsha came in for therapy, her situation was nothing short of severe. Years of  inflammation, infection, and multiple surgeries had left her pelvis feeling like a  rock. The skin was deeply sucked-in at her surgical scars.

Guided by nothing but the determination and skills we had developed over years of treating Belinda and others with adhesion pain, we embarked into unknown territory, hoping to help a woman whose (Chief of Staff) physician had told us was an “impossible case.”

We began slowly and steadily to engage our hands into the tissues of Marsha’s pelvis. In the beginning, it felt as if we were pushing against a small boulder, immobile and impassive.

However, as the hours passed and the outer layers of adhesions began to detach, we noticed that the boulder began to move some upon palpation. Before long we were able to move Marsha’s boulder a bit from side to side, then top to bottom, then diagonally. Working both externally and internally, we slowly peeled away layer after layer of adhesions until the boulder began to divide into smaller structures which we called her “rocks and pebbles.” Eventually, most of these dissolved as well and we were able to actually palpate specific organs within her pelvis.

About this time, she reported that her back and intercourse pain, both of which had been severe, had dissipated significantly. At the time, we had absolutely no idea how many hours of treatment we should render if we were to open either of her tubes. We were just going by touch, feel, and patient feedback.

In the end, after 23 hours of the manual therapy, we felt Marsha was ready for a repeat dye test. We held our breaths as we sent our test patient for an independent follow up dye test. To the utter surprise of everyone, the test results were nothing short of remarkable. The diagnostic physician reported that one of Marsha’s tubes was now completely free, clear, and open with “free spillage” of the dye. In addition, the dye went measurably further through the other tube.

We had done it! We had improved both tubes and totally opened one, when two different surgeries had failed to achieve any results at all!

If you’d like a free consult, please take 20 minutes and fill out this form and we can determine if therapy would be a good fit for you.