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Pain Testimonials

“Five days of treatment has done more to release adhesions and restrictions all over my body than the last six years of physical therapy and acupuncture.”
“I recommend this therapy for those troubled by adhesions. My entire body feels healthier!”
“Exceptional care that completely relieved the pain I was experiencing. I have recommended you to both my Gyn and Internist. Will recommend you to any friend or acquaintance with similar issues. Thanks for making such a difference in my life.”
“Clear Passage and all of the staff gave me a better quality of life. The staff has truly changed the rest of my life.”
“After years of incapacitating back problems, I have now received my first 12 hours of treatment at Clear Passage. I am amazed that I feel physically so much better, in such a short time. It is remarkable to me that I can now bend over, virtually pain free, for the first time in 14 years! Had I come here sooner, I would have saved myself so many years of pain and misery! Thank you so much.”
“After years of incapacitating back problems, I have now received my first 12 hours of treatment at Clear Passage. I am amazed that I feel physically so much better, in such a short time. It is remarkable to me that I can now bend over, virtually pain free, for the first time in 14 years! Had I come here sooner, I would have saved myself so many years of pain and misery! Thank you so much.”
“For most of my adult life, I had suffered from chronic headaches. These started in my mid-twenties, and by my early thirties, they were occurring on a daily basis and becoming more severe. I had consulted with a number of different internists and neurologists who estimated that these were essentially muscle-tension headaches, but often of migraine intensity. I had explored almost every treatment available, including medications that ranged from over the counter analgesics to narcotic painkillers. I had also investigated non-traditional methods such as acupuncture, bio-feedback, and chiropractic adjustments, but none had much effect. By my late-thirties, these headaches had become incapacitating to the point where they often limited activities and even resulted in trips to the emergency room. Needless to say, this health condition was having a substantial negative impact on my life. In those twenty-some years, I had seen nearly a dozen medical “specialists” and yet none was able to ascertain the cause of my headaches. Things changed however when I met Larry and Belinda Wurn at Clear Passage Physical Therapy. In simply observing my posture, they could tell that something was not right, essentially that the muscles in my back were contracted in a manner that put excessive pressure on my neck – the basis for the unbearable headaches. It’s difficult to ascertain the initial cause, but a critical car accident in my early twenties along with many other falls and injuries over the years most likely played a part. Incredibly, I felt relief after the first treatment and within a few weeks the headaches had been reduced to a point where I no longer needed medication. Today I am nearly headache-free and when they do occur, nothing more than aspirin is needed to relieve the pain. In all of those years, doctors never suggested such a simple solution to what is a relatively common problem. I’m very thankful to Clear Passage for their resolution of this debilitating health issue and strongly recommend this very effective alternative to anyone in a similar situation.”
“The journey with Clear Passage has been an incredible, eye-opening experience. From the moment I met my therapists and completed the comprehensive initial evaluation, I felt like a team of experts was intensely focusing on fixing my body of pain and adhesions.”
“I rode my motorcycle yesterday for the first time in a long time! You made that possible! I just wanted to thank you guys for your help, encouragement, and kindness. If I hadn’t found you guys originally, I would still be in terrible pain. I’m a physician and you’ve given me my life back. I can’t put a price on what that means for me. Thank you so much!”

Video for Pain

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