Avoid Surgery to Remove the Tailbone (Coccygectomy)

Overview Pain at the tailbone (coccyx bone) can range from inconvenient to totally debilitating. As pain increases, some people find it difficult or virtually impossible to sit – making their lives miserable. Unfortunately, very few treatment regimens have been studied to treat this condition. Coccyx pain (coccydynia or coccygodynia) generally begins with a trauma – […]
Tailbone (Coccyx) Pain

We Treat Tailbone Pain Without Drugs or Surgery The tailbone (coccyx) is vulnerable to direct and often repeated traumas that can begin early in life. A fall onto the buttocks while walking, climbing, skating or during other athletic activities can cause direct blows that injure this delicate area. Repetitive traumas to the coccyx can occur […]
Sacroiliac Joint Pain

According to the journal The Physician and Sportsmedicine, sacroiliac joint dysfunction is “a treatable diagnosis for the millions of individuals suffering from acute and chronic low back pain.” In fact, it is one of the more common causes of mechanical low back pain. Puzzled by what the sacroiliac joint is and how it can cause […]