Abdominal and Pelvic Adhesions: Post-surgical Adhesions

Adhesions in Abdomen and Stomach: Understanding and Treating Post-Surgical Abdominal Adhesions

What are Abdominal and Stomach Adhesions?

Adhesions are fibrous bands of scar tissue that can form between tissues and organs in the abdomen and stomach area – or anywhere the body has undergone a healing event. As such, abdominal and stomach adhesions are a complication that can arise after any surgical procedure in the abdominal or pelvic area. Adhesions first form as the body’s response to repair itself following surgery, trauma, infection, or conditions like endometriosis. While initially helpful in the healing process, adhesions can become problematic if they persist and create abnormal glue-like connections or bonds between organs, muscles, and nerves.

Symptoms of Abdominal and Stomach Adhesions

Patients with abdominal or stomach adhesions may experience a range of symptoms, including:

  • Chronic pelvic or abdominal pain
  • Infertility or menstrual problems in women
  • Digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, or nausea
  • Restricted movement or discomfort during physical activity
An image of stomach adhesions in abdomen that cause in patents.

Above is an example of a patient’s abdomen before and after abdominal surgery. You can see adhesions forming glue-like bonds within the delicate structures of the pelvis and abdomen.

Diagnosing Abdominal-Pelvic Adhesions

An image of Belinda Wurn treating a patient with back pain.
Belinda Treating Stomach Adhesions in the Abdomen

Thick or powerful adhesions can persist in the body undetected for years. Because they are composed of collagen, a substance that occurs throughout the body, adhesions generally do not appear in modern imaging techniques such as X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans. Because doctors cannot view adhesions in imaging, they are either inferred by secondary imaging (e.g., blocked fallopian tubes or bowel obstruction) or viewed during a surgical procedure. Unfortunately, the surgery to diagnose adhesions can cause additional adhesions as the body recovers from that procedure.

How Clear Passage Addresses Stomach Adhesions

Clear Passage employs a specialized technique to detach the collagen bonds that comprise adhesions in the abdomen and pelvis. Backed by over 30 years of experience and peer-reviewed studies, our therapy focuses on dissolving these bonds, relieving the pain and restoring normal function to the affected organs and nerves. Doing so has been likened to taking the body back in time to a structure that existed before adhesions formed.

Clear Passage provides a thorough medical history review process (at no charge) for individuals experiencing symptoms that might be linked to abdominal, intestinal or stomach adhesions. If accepted into our program, we provide each patient a tailored treatment to address and alleviate their symptoms and to reach their goals without surgery.

Understanding and addressing adhesions in the abdomen and the stomach are crucial for those affected by this condition. Since 1988, our focus has been to decrease and eliminate adhesions without surgery or medication. For anyone looking for a non-surgical option to treat adhesions, Clear Passage® is the gold-standard treatment with proven success rates.

Break free from the pain and complications of post-surgical adhesions with Clear Passage Physical Therapy’s groundbreaking, non-surgical approach. Request Information and schedule your Free Consultation today to learn how our expert therapists can help you regain comfort and mobility, then visit our Apply to Therapy page to start your journey towards a life unhindered by adhesions.

If you’d like a free consult, please take 20 minutes and fill out this form and we can determine if therapy would be a good fit for you.
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