Breakthrough Therapy: Opening Blocked Fallopian Tubes Without Surgery

Introduction: In a remarkable breakthrough, scientists have unveiled a groundbreaking therapy that has the potential to open completely blocked fallopian tubes, offering new hope to women struggling with infertility. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), this therapy, which resembles a deep massage, could revolutionize the treatment landscape for […]

Overcoming Infertility: Three Friends Share Their Success Story with “Fertility Massage”

Introduction: Dealing with infertility can be an emotional and challenging journey. However, for three friends – Alexandra, Angie, and Cathleen – their long struggle with infertility found a solution in an unexpected place: a unique “fertility massage.” This groundbreaking therapy, known as the Wurn Technique®, has provided hope and success for these women, offering a […]

You Have Blocked Fallopian Tubes, Do You Need Surgery to Remove Them?

You were just diagnosed with blocked fallopian tubes or fallopian tubes that are swollen and clogged with fluid which is called hydrosalpinx. Your OB-GYN says you can have surgery to open the tubes which is called a Salpingostomy (also called neosalpingostomy) but the documented rates of pregnancy after a salpingostomy is not stellar…pregnancy rates after […]

IVF Risks, Side Effects, and a Natural Alternative

For people who are struggling to conceive, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is a medical procedure that offers hope but comes with a torrent of risks and side effects. If you are considering this treatment, please read this article first. It provides details you should be aware of before you undergo IVF and suggests ways to deal with IVF side effects. Better yet, learn how you may be able to avoid IVF altogether.

My 5 Options If I Have Infertility from Endometriosis

woman with infertility caused by endometriosis

Infertility can be caused by endometriosis, an inflammatory condition sometimes accompanied by pain. However, it is nearly always associated with internal bonds called adhesions. People respond to endometriosis-related infertility in a variety of ways. They may opt-out of parenthood, welcome a baby through surrogacy, or start a family through adoption. Women with endometriosis may treat […]

Everything about the Best Natural Infertility Treatments

image of pregnant woman

Yearning for pregnancy—and being unable to achieve it after dedicated periods of trying—can cause a woman great psychological and emotional pain. Let’s jump into what your options are and why out of all of them, the Wurn Technique is your healthiest, cost-conscious, and most effective option. What is Infertility? According to the American College of […]

Effective Nonsurgical Treatment for Blocked Fallopian Tubes?

Unlock the potential for natural conception with Clear Passage’s groundbreaking, non-surgical therapy that has successfully opened blocked fallopian tubes for 61% of women, offering hope and a 57% pregnancy rate without the risks of surgery. Contact us today for a Free Consult or to Request Information. To learn more visit our Apply to Therapy page. […]

Avoid Surgery for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Success Treating PCOS Infertility Without Surgery Clear Passage®️ is a world leader approaching three decades of experience treating female infertility without surgery or drugs. In a landmark 10-year study[i] treating infertile women, our non-surgical therapy yielded pregnancy rates for women infertile with PCOS at rates similar to standard medical treatments, but without surgery (study chart […]

Opening Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Comparing Treatment Options PROCEDURE PREGNANCY RATE COSTS Clear Passage® Bodywork 39.33% ii $6,500 In Vitro fertilization (IVF) 30.87% iii $15,000 – $30,000 iv IVF after Clear Passage 56.16% ii, iii $21,500 – $36,500 iv What Is Clear Passage? What Occurs in Therapy? Over 1,000 Babies Born Treatment Options Explained What are Blocked Tubes? Symptoms of […]

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