Opening Blocked Fallopian Tubes – Surgical vs. Natural

As the place where natural conception occurs, the fallopian tubes are truly the place where life begins. Due to their location and size, fallopian tubes can become blocked from pelvic scars or adhesions. Together, these “mechanical causes” account for about 40% of all female infertility. Tubes can block near the uterus (proximal), by the ovary (distal) or in the middle of the tube (mid-tubal). In some cases, the tube swell with a fluid in a condition called hydrosalpinx. While a single blocked tube impairs fertility, blockage of both tubes causes total infertility.
Prior C-Section Can Cause Adhesions

Cesarean section delivery (C-section) is the most common surgery among women in the US. Unfortunately, this invasive surgical procedure requires a great deal of healing to occur. Adhesions are one of the bodies automatic responses to traumas such as a fall, a surgery, an infection, or an inflammation.
Treating Hydrosalpinx Infertility

The Wurn Technique is a non-surgical infertility treatment that uses pelvic physical therapy to decrease the adhesions causing tubal damage and hydrosalpinx. Once mobility is restored, the previously blocked tube(s) often regains normal function, creating a free path for conception to occur. Many women with a diagnosis of hydrosalpinx became pregnant naturally after receiving this hands- on therapy.
Fertility Treatment – The Natural Way

So-called alternative fertility treatments may help some women. Claims have been made for fertility herbs, oils, massages and diets. More research needs to be done on these types of fertility treatments. But two alternative fertility treatments that have been researched and proven effective are acupuncture and a particular physical therapy.
An HSG May Help You Become Pregnant

Women who experience infertility are commonly scheduled for a hysterosalpinogram (HSG) to see if their fallopian tubes are open and functioning properly. What many women don’t know is that the procedure itself can help a woman become pregnant. Sometimes, a fallopian tube fills with a small amount of mucous. This mucous can form after infections, […]
Infertility and Sexual Dysfunction Are Linked – And It’s Not All in Your Head

Maintaining a sexually satisfying relationship can be difficult for couples struggling with infertility. Judith C. Daniluk, author of an article entitled, “Keeping Your Sex Life Alive While Coping with Infertility” explains that, “Infertility affects a person’s feelings about themselves – their masculinity or femininity, their self-worth, their self-esteem, their body.” Many women experience a deterioration […]
Spirituality Can Help Women with Premature Ovarian Failure

Premature Ovarian Failure (POF), when a woman’s ovaries stop working before the age of 40, can be a life-changing diagnosis for any woman. Former plans of children can suddenly be cut short, in addition to a woman dealing with symptoms of menopause. Many women find themselves re-examining their lives or battling depression. A study published […]
The Appearance of a C-Section Scar Can Provide Clues About Abdominal Adhesions

When a woman comes to CPT with secondary infertility, one of the first questions our therapists ask is, “Did you have a C-section?” Through years of experience, our therapists have found that c-sections frequently cause adhesion formation within the abdominal and pelvic cavity. Adhesions can impede fertility by blocking the fallopian tubes, restricting the uterus, […]
Resolving Hydrosalpinx

In the past, a fallopian tube swollen and filled with liquid (a hydrosalpinx) was considered beyond repair and non-functional. In fact, many reproductive endocrinologists still feel the best way to treat a hydrosalpinx is to remove the tube and proceed with IVF. Belinda and Larry Wurn opened Clear Passage Therapies when they discovered their manual […]
The Three Types of Fallopian Tube Blockages

When trying to make treatment choices for fallopian tube occlusion, it is crucial to understand the type of blockage. The success of treatment options varies greatly depending on the location of the blockage. Fallopian tubes can be blocked in three places: Fallopian tubes that are blocked proximally have the highest success rate for opening with […]