Prior C-Section Can Cause Adhesions

Cesarean section delivery (C-section) is the most common surgery among women in the US. Unfortunately, this invasive surgical procedure requires a great deal of healing to occur. Adhesions are one of the bodies automatic responses to traumas such as a fall, a surgery, an infection, or an inflammation.
The Role of the Cervix in Menstrual Pain

apply for therapy patient stories Discover relief from menstrual pain with Clear Passage Physical Therapy’s Free Consult and Request Info – learn how their unique, non-surgical approach can address cervical issues, adhesions, and alignment problems that may be causing your discomfort, potentially transforming your menstrual experience without invasive procedures. To learn more visit our Apply […]
You Don’t Have to Cope with Painful Intercourse While Trying to Conceive

Many women who experience intercourse pain believe the pain is something they just have to live with or tolerate. They manage the pain by having sex sparingly or avoiding sex at times when it might be particularly painful (such as during ovulation or the week before). However, if a woman is trying to conceive, she […]
Causes of Decreased Sensation During Intercourse

Sexual intimacy and intercourse should provide some of life’s greatest pleasures. But because the female urogenital and reproductive organs are very susceptible to adhesions, intercourse can become painful, dissatisfying, and embarrassing. Many women still believe the old misconception that “there isn’t anything that can be done,” or “it’s just the way it is,” or “my […]
The Appearance of a C-Section Scar Can Provide Clues About Abdominal Adhesions

When a woman comes to CPT with secondary infertility, one of the first questions our therapists ask is, “Did you have a C-section?” Through years of experience, our therapists have found that c-sections frequently cause adhesion formation within the abdominal and pelvic cavity. Adhesions can impede fertility by blocking the fallopian tubes, restricting the uterus, […]
The G-Spot and Sexual Function

Unlock the potential for improved sexual function and satisfaction with Clear Passage Physical Therapy’s Free Consult and Request Info – discover how their unique, non-invasive approach has helped women experience increased desire, arousal, and orgasm while reducing pain by up to 96%. To learn more visit our Apply to Therapy page. Female sexual function relies […]
Anti-Inflammatories and Reducing Inflammation Naturally

What is an anti-inflammatory? The FDA describes it as a medication to reduce inflammation (the body’s response to surgery, injury, irritation, or infection). There are common anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) out there, such as Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin and Aleve, but for those who suffer with chronic inflammation, these can have severe side effects and are not healthy […]
Three Common Causes of Deep Penetration Pain

Few women feel comfortable discussing painful intercourse, much less deep penetration pain. However, many women experience pain that lasts after initial entry. Some women report that “It feels like my partner is hitting something.” Other women experience a broader ache in their pelvis. So what can cause this type of pain? Below are three common […]