About Us-
Clear Passage Physical Therapy was founded by Belinda Wurn, PT, and Larry Wurn, LMT, who developed the Wurn Technique® and Clear Passage Approach® to treat adhesions causing chronic pain and dysfunction. The non-surgical, drug-free therapy focuses on breaking down adhesions to restore pain-free function, and it has proven effective for conditions like infertility, bowel obstructions, and post-surgical pain.
Combining hands-on manual therapy with a patient-centered approach, Clear Passage’s methods are backed by peer-reviewed studies and endorsed by medical professionals. For more information, visit Clear Passage.
Mission Statement-
Clear Passage strives to provide our patients with the finest hands-on therapy in the world. We team with each patient and focus 100 percent of our effort on each patient’s goals, in a professional but compassionate environment. We are dedicated to obtaining positive results for each patient and to publishing meaningful research that accurately documents our results. We recognize that our team of therapists, researchers, advisors and support staff must practice excellence, kindness and a deep understanding in order to deliver superior care to patients.
About developers-
Larry Wurn CEO,LMT – As CEO of Clear Passage® Therapies, Larry Wurn and his physical therapist wife Belinda have spent decades developing safe and effective non-surgical treatments for female infertility, recurring bowel obstructions and pain associated with endometriosis, menstruation and intercourse. He has authored several books including Miracle Moms, which includes over 80 dramatic stories of infertility reversal. He has co-authored several peer-reviewed studies that examine the safety and efficacy of Clear Passage® therapy. With over 30 years in healthcare, Larry graduated from San Francisco State University (BS in English / Creative Writing) in 1972 and from the Florida Institute of Natural Health (as an LMT) in 1990.
Belinda Wurn, PT- Belinda began developing her work after surgery and massive doses of radiation therapy left her with “frozen pelvis.” Most of her pelvic organs were adhered to each other, leaving her in debilitating pain. Her doctors said that surgery would only cause more adhesions, making things even worse. Unwilling to accept a life of pain, she and her husband, massage therapist Larry Wurn, began to study with teachers in the U.S. and Europe to create their own protocols to relieve adhesions. They combined the most effective techniques of the instructors with whom they studied, over decades refining and creating their own techniques to produce the unique treatment approach they use today.
Therapist treating abdomen video
Social Media links –
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/clearpassage/
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/clearpassagept/
YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/@ClearPassageTherapies
X (Twitter)- https://x.com/clearpassage
Linkedin- https://www.linkedin.com/company/clear-passage-physical-therapy
TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@clearpassagept
Contact Information-
Larry Wurn, CEO, LMT – Cell: (352)339-6606 Office: (352)336-1433
Email: LW@ClearPassage.com
Clinic Headquarters: 4421 NW 39 th Ave, Suite 2-2 Gainesville, FL 32606
Press Releases-

Study: A Medical Massage Reduced Life-Threatening Bowel Obstructions Significantly
First used to open blocked Fallopian tubes, the therapy is now being used to clear bowel obstruction Gainesville, FL, May 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —
Bodyworkers Seek Nobel Prize in Medicine
Alternative to IVF, Pregnancy Rates Phenomenal
Click to view in a new tab or download.
A Husband’s Love Creates a New Field of Medicine.
Click to view in a new tab or download.
If you’d like a free consult, please take 20 minutes and fill out this form and we can determine if therapy would be a good fit for you.