Everything about the Best Natural Infertility Treatments

Yearning for pregnancy—and being unable to achieve it after dedicated periods of trying—can cause a woman great psychological and emotional pain. Let’s jump into what your options are and why out of all of them, the Wurn Technique is your healthiest, cost-conscious, and most effective option. What is Infertility? According to the American College of […]
Effective Nonsurgical Treatment for Blocked Fallopian Tubes?

Unlock the potential for natural conception with Clear Passage’s groundbreaking, non-surgical therapy that has successfully opened blocked fallopian tubes for 61% of women, offering hope and a 57% pregnancy rate without the risks of surgery. Contact us today for a Free Consult or to Request Information. To learn more visit our Apply to Therapy page. […]
Infertility Treatment

Treating Female Infertility With numerous studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals, Clear Passage’s hands-on physical therapy has been featured on the ABC, CBS, and NBC television networks in the U.S., and internationally on Fox News. These citations and newscasts note infertility reversal for hundreds of women – without surgery or drugs. Our therapy can work […]
Avoid Surgery for Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Overview Fallopian tubes are the delicate environment where life begins. Each of these two narrow structures is the place where a one-celled egg can meet a sperm, creating a life that will continue its journey to implantation in the uterus. As such, this tiny organ must be patent (open) and able to function freely and without restriction […]
Opening Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Comparing Treatment Options PROCEDURE PREGNANCY RATE COSTS Clear Passage® Bodywork 39.33% ii $6,500 In Vitro fertilization (IVF) 30.87% iii $15,000 – $30,000 iv IVF after Clear Passage 56.16% ii, iii $21,500 – $36,500 iv What Is Clear Passage? What Occurs in Therapy? Over 1,000 Babies Born Treatment Options Explained What are Blocked Tubes? Symptoms of […]
Blocked Fallopian Tubes

APPLY FOR FERTILITY LOAN Opening Blocked Fallopian Tubes – Naturally Unlocking the Path to Pregnancy A Natural Treatment for Blocked Fallopian Tubes Discover our natural approach to open tubal blockages and enhance fertility without surgery. Clear Passage®️, a pioneer with three decades of experience, has successfully restored function to hundreds of totally blocked tubes, including […]
[Infographic] Common Risk Factors for Infertility

If you enjoy this infographic, click here to view the full blog post. In the post, you will learn how to become proactive in your fertility approach.
Infertility Risk Factors

Infertility is defined as the inability to achieve pregnancy after 12 or more months of sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives. Infertility is a common condition that affects 1 in 8 couples each year in the United States. Many people don’t realize how common fertility issues are. This causes many people to not be […]
For Healthcare Providers: Women’s Health Issues and Female Infertility

Overview Our manual physical therapy is often effective treating mechanical factors (collagenous cross-links, micro-adhesions, and adhesions) that occur in and around the female reproductive system. In published studies, the therapy has been shown to improve mobility, motility and organ function. We often do well with complex conditions: women with challenging pain or dysfunction. When medical […]
7 Myths About Blocked Fallopian Tubes

1. “Just relax, it will happen.” This myth is a crowd favorite and probably one of the most frustrating, often perpetuated by those who have not personally dealt with infertility. You may have been subjected to the knee-jerk statement “Just stop trying so hard.” Wouldn’t it be great if you could clear your fallopian tubes by […]