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Unveiling the Long-Term Ramifications of Abdominal Surgery: Navigating Scar Tissue and Adhesions

In the realm of medical interventions, surgeries, such as colon resection and C-sections, have become commonplace solutions for various conditions. However, while these procedures often offer immediate relief, it is crucial to understand the potential long-term side effects associated with them. In this informative blog post, we will explore the intricacies of these surgeries, focusing […]

SIBO: Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Natural Treatment

“Our therapy targets a common cause of chronic SIBO – adhesions that prevent treated bacteria from leaving the intestine.” Clear Passage Natural SIBO Treatment at Clear Passage®️ SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) is a distressing medical condition often linked with other gastrointestinal issues. It occurs when bacteria common to the large intestine are found in […]

Your Guide to Managing Bowel Obstruction with Diet Changes

Introduction: Bowel obstruction is a condition that can seriously disrupt your daily life and even be life-threatening. It’s often caused by adhesions or internal scars that form in your small and large intestines. These adhesions act like glue, preventing your intestines from functioning properly. The good news is that making some dietary changes can be […]

Unlocking the Mystery of Bowel Obstructions:

Signs, Causes, and Treatment Do you ever experience severe abdominal pain, bloating, or changes in bowel movements that just won’t go away? These symptoms could be warning signs of a bowel obstruction, a condition that can be both painful and potentially dangerous if left untreated. In this easy-to-read blog, we’ll delve into the world of […]

The Healing Power of Clear Passage Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide

The Healing Power of Clear Passage Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide Introduction Imagine finding relief from chronic pain, infertility, or post-surgical complications without resorting to invasive surgeries or heavy medication. That’s where Clear Passage Therapy comes into the picture. This innovative approach to physical therapy is gaining recognition for its non-invasive, patient-centric, and holistic approach to […]

Emergency Small Bowel Obstruction Surgery in India

Belinda’s Ongoing Story, as told by Larry Wurn. Although we had been married twenty years, we never had the time to take the honeymoon I had promised my bride two decades earlier. Belinda wanted to visit India and Nepal. I had visited these countries in my 20s, courtesy of a photo and book assignment I […]

How Will My Lifestyle Change with Small Bowel Obstructions?

eating for a bowel obstruction

We understand that many new patients experience very uncomfortable symptoms in the time that passes between the first phone call and the initial treatment with Clear Passage® Physical Therapy. Below, we will share suggestions from various sources that our bowel obstruction patients have found beneficial. These resources are intended to: Help prospective patients avoid exacerbating […]

Is There a Natural Treatment for Small Bowel Obstruction?

woman struggling with abdominal adhesions

Small bowel obstruction is a serious and, sometimes, life-threatening condition, often caused by abdominal adhesions. People who experience symptoms of bowel obstruction should consult with their healthcare provider right away. If your life is in immediate danger, you may not be able to avoid surgery. Still, if the problem is not yet a full-blown crisis, […]

30 Internal Scarring Facts for National Self-Check Month

30 Internal Scarring Facts for National Self-Check Month February is National Self-Check Month. Internal scarring (adhesions) in your pelvic region can occur throughout your life due to surgeries, accidents, and even natural wear and tear. This self-check month is meant for you to implement preventative health measures. These can include making better dietary choices, performing […]

Study: A Medical Massage Reduced Life-Threatening Bowel Obstructions Significantly

First used to open blocked Fallopian tubes, the therapy is now being used to clear bowel obstruction Gainesville, FL, May 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bowel obstructions are a highly dangerous health condition, but a recent medical massage breakthrough is now reducing, or eliminating, these health threats using a safe, nonsurgical, hands-on technique. Small bowel […]