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Studies: Clear Passage® Medical Massage Has Been Replacing Some Invasive Surgeries

An image of doctors discussing Endometriosis surgery risks.

A ‘hands-on’ physical therapy is opening blocked fallopian tubes in some infertile women and delaying or replacing surgery for some life-threatening bowel obstructions GAINESVILLE, Fla., March 8, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Blocked fallopian tubes are a major cause of female infertility, sending most women to surgery or in vitro fertilization (IVF). In a recent study, a treatment that […]

Avoid Surgery for Recurrent Small Bowel Obstruction

Overview Small bowel obstruction creates major challenges for physicians and their patients. While a total small bowel obstruction is life-threatening and must often be dealt with surgically, it is accepted fact that surgery is the number one cause of recurring bowel obstructions. Thus, the last resort medical treatment for small bowel obstruction is also the […]

Avoid Surgery for Adhesions

“I want to express my gratitude to Clear Passage Therapies for what you were able to do for me. The wonderful work you perform deserves recognition. I am a woman who has had four surgeries. For me the surgery caused adhesions that became extremely painful. If it were not for Clear Passage Physical Therapy, I […]

Bowel Obstruction Treatment

“By the time I found Clear Passage, my health was plummeting. At my initial evaluation, my therapist told me there was very little mobility in my abdominal organs. She was also concerned that I was becoming adhered in the muscles and support structures on the front of my body. I attended treatment and found that […]

Abdominal / Pelvic Adhesions

We Decrease or Eliminate Adhesions Without Surgery Overview Adhesions, the internal scars that tend to form whenever the body heals, are a major problem for patients and their physicians.  While these internal scars initially formed to help the body heal from tissue damage, adhesions tend to remain long after the initial tissue damage has passed. […]

Abdominal Pain

Treating Abdominal Pain The hands-on therapy at Clear Passage®️ focuses on decreasing the adhesions (internal scars) that form when the body heals. Published studies show good results without surgery. To learn more about how we achieve results, click the appropriate condition in the menu at the top of any page of our website.  Complete our […]

Fascia and Fascial Adhesions

What is Fascia? Fascia, pronounced fah-sha is an incredibly important but often misunderstood type of tissue in the body. Fascia is the most abundant connective tissue inside the body. A thin casing of connective tissue, fascia, wraps around and holds everything inside your body together, including muscles, organs, nerves, blood vessels, etc. On top of connecting […]

Bowel Obstruction Success Rates

Background At Clear Passage®, we have always been cautious about keeping patients safe, and making claims about our results. After we opened our first fallopian tubes in 1989, we spent 30 years studying adhesions, refining treatment techniques, having biostatisticians calculate what techniques worked best, further refining, and then publishing our results. In 2008, we turned […]