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How Long Does a Bowel Obstruction Last?

woman struggling with abdominal adhesions

If you or a loved one is experiencing small bowel obstruction for the first time, your mind is likely racing with questions about what can be done to manage the condition, how long it lasts, how doctors can help, and more. How long does a bowel obstruction last and what does treatment involve? If hospitalized, […]

Can Abdominal Scar Tissue Cause Pain?

We recently received a question from one of our readers asking, “Can abdominal scar tissue cause pain?” Since this question deals with a condition that can have life-threatening consequences, we decided to answer it in a post. The answer is yes. Bands of scar tissue in the abdomen, called abdominal adhesions, can cause debilitating pain […]

Bowel Obstruction: Diet & Lifestyle Recommendations

Small bowel obstruction is a potentially life-threatening condition. Even in relatively less serious cases, bowel obstruction can completely disrupt your daily life. Obstructions are caused by adhesions or internal scars that form in the small intestines (small bowel) and sometimes in the large intestines (colon). Adhesions form as the first step in healing from surgery, […]

At a Glance: Bowel Obstruction

What causes bowel obstruction? Adhesions (internal scars) form in the small intestines (small bowel) and sometimes in the large intestines (colon), preventing the body from processing food. What are the signs of a bowel obstruction? The first indication of a bowel obstruction is often pain, nausea or vomiting accompanied by difficulty or inability to pass […]

Diet Modifications to Help You Handle a Small Bowel Obstruction

If you suspect you have a small bowel obstruction, you should immediately see a doctor. A small bowel obstruction occurs when the small intestine becomes cinched, preventing solid food from passing through the intestine. Not only is your body unable to absorb the nutrients it needs, it is unable to eliminate toxic material. A blockage […]