Avoid Surgery for Hydrosalpinx

Overview Hydrosalpinx is a condition that occurs when a fallopian tube is blocked and fills with serous or other fluid after blockage or narrowing at the distal end of the tube, near the ovary. Hydrosalpinx is one aspect of tubal disease. With these conditions, the tube becomes distended giving the tube a characteristic sausage-like shape. The blockage […]

Hydrosalpinx Treatment

APPLY FOR FERTILITY LOAN Table of Contents Clear Passage®️ is a world leader with over three decades of experience in the non-surgical opening of fallopian tubes diagnosed with hydrosalpinx (swollen tubes). Once opened by us, formerly swollen tubes drain the liquid within them, and fertility returns for many women. The therapy, which can feel like a […]

Hydrosalpinx: Your Questions Answered

Hydrosalpinx refers to fluid that collects within the fallopian tubes after an injury or infection and affects a woman’s fertility. We recently received several questions about this hydrosalpinx and how to treat this condition. Read on as Clear Passage Director of Services Belinda Wurn, PT, answers. Q: Can I get pregnant if I have hydrosalpinx? […]

Treating Hydrosalpinx Infertility

The Wurn Technique is a non-surgical infertility treatment that uses pelvic physical therapy to decrease the adhesions causing tubal damage and hydrosalpinx. Once mobility is restored, the previously blocked tube(s) often regains normal function, creating a free path for conception to occur. Many women with a diagnosis of hydrosalpinx became pregnant naturally after receiving this hands- on therapy.

Resolving Hydrosalpinx

In the past, a fallopian tube swollen and filled with liquid (a hydrosalpinx) was considered beyond repair and non-functional. In fact, many reproductive endocrinologists still feel the best way to treat a hydrosalpinx is to remove the tube and proceed with IVF. Belinda and Larry Wurn opened Clear Passage Therapies when they discovered their manual […]