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Women’s Health Issues

Treating Women’s Health Issues Our approach to women’s health is different from most physio/physical therapy clinics. Our patients tend to be complicated, with severe constant or recurring pain that disrupts their lives — and often their relationships with partners and loved ones. Whether the pain is associated with periods, intercourse, endometriosis, or due to a […]

Cervical Stenosis

We Treat Cervical Stenosis Naturally  Cervical fibrosis or stenosis (stiffening) can be a significant problem for women who have infertility or deep intercourse pain (dyspareunia). In some cases, women do not realize that they have cervical stenosis. You can often diagnose it yourself by feeling your cervix. Is it soft and pliable, or is it quite firm? If […]

The Role of the Cervix in Menstrual Pain

apply for therapy patient stories When women think of menstrual cramps, we normally think of the constant ache or throbbing pain in the pelvis. We seldom think of stenosis of the cervix, but it is a key player in dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea is the medical term for abdominal cramps and pain experienced during menstruation. The main […]