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Understanding Deep Penetration Pain: What You Need to Know

Introduction: Intimate topics like painful intercourse, especially deep penetration pain, can be uncomfortable to discuss. However, it’s crucial to recognize that many women experience discomfort during sex that lingers beyond the initial entry. Some describe it as a feeling that their partner is hitting something, while others experience a more widespread ache in their pelvic […]

Pain after Physical or Sexual Abuse

We Treat Pain from Physical or Sexual Abuse Naturally The physical scars and adhesions that develop in response to physical and sexual abuse can remain in the body for decades after the abuse has stopped. Often invisible to diagnostic tests, adhesions act like tiny straitjackets, binding sensitive structures and causing pain. They can also serve […]

Intercourse Pain

“Intercourse used to be extremely painful for me. It became increasingly difficult when my husband and I tried for five years to become pregnant. After my treatment at Clear Passage, intercourse pain decreased and I later became pregnant!”​ Yvonne Patient Eliminate Painful Sex,Improve Sexual Function Clear Passage®️ is a world leader with over two decades […]

High Success Rates Treating Intercourse Pain, Naturally

We Treat Intercourse Pain Naturally, Without Surgery or Drugs Patients often report profound changes after receiving our hands-on, non-surgical therapy for painful intercourse. Our therapists decrease pain, increase sexual intercourse, and restore the pleasure of intimacy and intercourse for most of the women we treat for pain. In doing so, we enrich their lives and […]

Dyspareunia Is Treatable – and More Common Than You Think

Is Painful Sex (Dyspareunia) Common? Did you know that dyspareunia is one of the most prevalent conditions among women? Sixty percent of women in the U.S. report having intercourse pain at some point in their lives. If there is one thing we want our readers to take away, it is that intercourse pain is more common […]

Overcoming Intercourse Pain: Reclaiming Desire and Orgasm

TRANSCRIPT: Overcoming Intercourse Pain: Reclaiming  Desire and Orgasm This is what sex is supposed to feel like. This r­­ocks.  We can do this again. I had an orgasm for the first time in years. That sounds weird probably for some people, but for people who have dealt with chronic pelvic pain, not having orgasms goes […]

You Don’t Have to Cope with Painful Intercourse While Trying to Conceive

Many women who experience intercourse pain believe the pain is something they just have to live with or tolerate. They manage the pain by having sex sparingly or avoiding sex at times when it might be particularly painful (such as during ovulation or the week before). However, if a woman is trying to conceive, she […]

Three Common Causes of Deep Penetration Pain

Few women feel comfortable discussing painful intercourse, much less deep penetration pain. However, many women experience pain that lasts after initial entry. Some women report that “It feels like my partner is hitting something.” Other women experience a broader ache in their pelvis. So what can cause this type of pain? Below are three common […]