Christiane Northrup, MD says,
“Congratulations and thank you for providing a very effective and completely safe therapy that holds the promise for enhancing fertility and pelvic health for thousands of women world wide.”

Miracle Babies by Gilli Moorhawk, Aphroditebooks, 2006:
“Blocked Tubes” The Wurn Technique® is a non-invasive bodywork therapy that uses manipulation techniques to help clear blockages and improve reproductive function. Many women who had blocked tubes or other unexplained infertility have conceived naturally following this treatment. The Wurn Technique® has been scientifically measured and published in medical journals.

New Hope for Couples with Infertility Problems by Theresa Foy DiGeronimo, Paul Gindorf, M.D., © 2003:
“As an alternative approach that is in no way harmful, the procedure offers much hope for women whose medical history indicates possible adhesion or micro-adhesion formation or poor biomechanics, and women whose infertility is unexplained.”

What To Do When the Doctor Says It’s Endometriosis by Thomas Lyons, M.D. and Cheryl Kimball, Fair Winds Press, Gloucester MA, 2003:
(focusing on the Wurn Technique, the authors refer to) “An alternative, nonsurgical soft tissue technique that has been effective in treating women with infertility problems.”

Stay Fertile Longer by Mary Kittel and Deborah Metzger, MD, PhD published by Rodale Inc. 2003
“Fertility Visionaries: Clear Passage Therapies: Even health care practitioners who themselves had had no success with medical and surgical infertility treatments came, and had successful pregnancies.”

Do You Want to Have a Baby? Natural Fertility Solutions and Pregnancy Care by S Abernathy and L. Page, PhD, published by Healthy Healing LLC, 2006:
“While long believed that surgery procedures were the only way to even partially decrease these problems [pelvic adhesions, blocked tubes, or other types of trauma or inflammation in the reproductive organs], bodywork therapists have found deep tissue work can not only decrease mechanical blockages, but also reduce pelvic pain and improve sexual arousal and orgasm for women. What a bonus!”

Woman's World "Massage Made Me a Mom of Three!" by Andrea Florczak, March 6, 2007
(With her only fallopian tube totally blocked, and refused IVF due to hormonal factors) “Jennie Kennedy’s chances of ever having her own baby were zero…but [Clear Passage Therapies] brought her not one, but three bundles of joy.”

Conceive "Rubbed the right way" by Lorie A. Parch, Spring, 2007
“Clear Passage Therapies was developed as a method to repair pelvic adhesions that can prevent a woman from conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to term….To date, 167 babies have been born to mothers who received the treatment.”

Utne Reader, "Best Sex Ever: A Holistic Treatment Results in Really Hot Sex" by Laine Bergeson, April, 2007
“The Wurn Technique®, which is an internal and external form of manual manipulation of the body’s soft tissue and fascia (connective tissue), aims to break up adhesions. This process, the Wurns believe, is what helps bring the pleasure back to sex.”

Psychology Today "Pressing Flesh" by Orli Van Mourik, December, 2006
“Ninety-one percent of the participants in a recent peer-reviewed study of the (Wurn) technique experienced an overall improvement in sexual function; 56 percent reported an increase in the intensity and duration of orgasm.”

Achieving Families "Pelvic Physical Therapy for Infertility: a Physical Therapist Answers your Questions" by Belinda Wurn, PT, Sept/Oct, 2006"
The same adhesions that impair the proper function of the reproductive system can also affect a woman’s ability to become pregnant through IVF. Published studies show that certain manual physical therapies can significantly improve IVF success rates.”

Spa, "Fertile Ground" by Andrea Braslavsky, Jan/Feb, 2005:
“The Wurn Technique applies soft tissue massage to the region between the navel and the knees to break down adhesions in the body’s connective tissue that can interfere with conception.”

Achieving Families, "Physical Therapy to Improve IVF Pregnancy Rates" by Amy Burnette, Sept. 2005:
“Researchers in the US recently studied a new manual physical therapy technique shown to be effective in improving IVF pregnancy rates. Women who received the therapy within 15 months prior to a fresh, nondonor IVF transfer had a 67% pregnancy rate…a significant increase over the 41% national average…for non-donor IVF transfers (without therapy).”

Health, "The Right Touch Boosts Fertility" by Julia VanTine Reichardt , December, 2004:
“The [Wurn] technique, originally developed to treat musculoskeletal and postsurgical pain, may help reverse inflammation that can upset normal reproductive function.”

Infertility Times, "How One Woman’s Pelvic Pain Inspired a New Fertility Treatment" by Amy Burnette Hough, Nov./Dec. 2004:
“Clear Passage Therapies® reports that at least 75 babies have already been born or are presently expected by previously infertile patients.”

Woman’s World, "Massage Made Me a Mom" by Nanette Reuckauf as told to Pat Wadsley, Aug. 6, 2002:
Woman’s World, “Massage Made Me a Mom” by Nanette Reuckauf as told to Pat Wadsley, Aug. 6, “After years of heartbreak [scar tissue on my fallopian tubes made me infertile], I’m finally a mom. Who would have thought all I needed was a [Clear Passage®] massage!”2002:

Massage & Bodywork, "Hands of Hope: Massage for Infertility" by Angie Best-Boss, April/May 2002:
“Clearly, the breakdown of adhesions through such non-invasive, lessexpensive means has its benefits, including restoration of fertility, decrease in pain, and an overall improvement in the quality of life.”

Advance, "PT for Infertility: A New Manual Therapy Technique Could be an Effective Treatment for Infertility" by Mike Le Postollec, March, 2001:
“Preliminary results compiled by a professional researcher and former senior health policy advisor with the NIH, indicated infertility reversal for a significant percentage of women who have received the treatment.”

Self, "Having Trouble Getting Pregnant?" by Meryl Davids Landau, Dec. 2000:
“Get a massage. But not just any massage – try the Wurn Technique®”

Massage & Bodywork, "Soft Tissue Massage: Infertility Treatment of the New Millennium?" by Shirley Vanderbilt, Dec./Jan. 2000:
As a treatment for adhesions and tubal obstruction, the non-invasive approach of the Wurn Technique® is considered a safe and cost effective therapy.”

Woman’s World, "Touched by a Miracle" by Amy Flurry, Sept. 14, 1999:
“I know I was skeptical at first about the therapy . . . But when I look at [my son] Tyler, I know it was the miracle I prayed for.”

Massage Magazine, "Manual Therapies May Help with Infertility" March/April, 1999:
“Preliminary studies out of a physical therapy practice in Florida show promise that certain manual therapies may reverse a condition that causes infertility in women.”

Natural Health Magazine, "Massage Delivers Babies" Dec. 1998:
Deep-tissue massage therapy [The Wurn Technique®] is showing promise as a treatment for some types of infertility. . . .Statistics show this effect is more than a coincidence.”

Jacksonville, "New Hope for Infertility" Oct. 1998:
“There may be a less expensive, more effective non-surgical alternative for some infertile women, according to promising research being conducted at Clear Passage Therapies, Inc.”

Women’s Digest, "Alternative Infertility Treatment Shows Promise" July 1998:
“Researchers are investigating a new, non-surgical approach to treat female infertility. The investigators became interested when several women, diagnosed infertile, became pregnant following therapy.”

KRON-TV 4 San Francisco and Bay Area November 2006
The manual physical therapy (Wurn Technique(R)) decreased pain throughout the menstrual cycle. Relief continued six weeks after therapy, according to an abstract published in “Fertility and Sterility” (9/2006). A related abstract in the same issue reported the therapy significantly decreased dyspareunia (intercourse pain) and improved sexual function for women with endometriosis.

TXCN Texas Cable News, November 2006
The treatment is of interest because it decreased pain without the risks associated with surgery or pharmaceuticals. The therapy improved pregnancy rates for patients undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) and appeared to improve natural fertility rates.

FOX 35 News
“Infertility Update” by Reporter Elizabeth Alvarez, May 2006: “There is another option out there for women with issues like blocked fallopian tubes who feel like they have no choices except in vitro.”

CNN - NBC - CBS- ABC- Time-Warner Cable
National Broadcast, Jan. 2002: “Massages are used to help people relax. Now a particular type of massage [the Wurn Technique®] shows signs of having another benefit, as a fertility treatment.”

Fox Channel 7 News
“The Right Rub:” “Women from all over the world are coming to Clear Passage for a new infertility treatment.”
WAMI-TV (Fox), National Broadcast, Feb. 25, 1999: “Even the fertility experts say this could increase the odds of having a child.”

Seattle Post-Intelligencer.com November, 2006
Encouraging findings on a new treatment for endometriosis pain use a pelvic physical therapy that feels like a deep massage. The treatment is of interest because it decreased pain without the risks associated with surgery or pharmaceuticals.

Yahoo News November 2006
Scientists at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) reported that therapists were able to open totally blocked fallopian tubes using a new pelvic physical therapy that feels similar to a deep massage. Previously, surgery was the only treatment option for women with blocked fallopian tubes.

RedOrbit Breaking News November, 2006
The manual physical therapy (Wurn Technique(R)) decreased pain throughout the menstrual cycle. Relief continued six weeks after therapy, according to an abstract published in “Fertility and Sterility” (9/2006). In an earlier published study (“Medscape General Medicine,” 6/2004), the therapy improved pregnancy rates for patients undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) and appeared to improve natural fertility rates.
“In a recently published peer reviewed study, (The Wurn Technique ® ) relieved or eliminated intercourse pain in 96% of the women treated, and showed statistically significant improvements in all six major areas of sexual function.”

Apria Healthcare
Scientists at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) reported that therapists were able to open totally blocked fallopian tubes using a new pelvic physical therapy (Wurn Technique ® ) that feels similar to a deep massage. Previously, surgery was the only treatment option for women with blocked fallopian tubes. The Wurn Technique ® opened blocked fallopian tubes in several women, some of whom conceived naturally after the therapy, according to the study abstract published in “Fertility and Sterility” (9/2006).

Orthopedic Technology Review
“Over 150 babies born or expected after non-surgical infertility treatment – peer reviewed medical studies published. The new treatment is considered low risk as it uses no drugs or surgery. The therapy is used to treat infertility and pelvic and intercourse pain (and) available exclusively at several Clear Passage Therapies® clinics from New York to California.” June 2006

Forbes.com, "101 Babies Expected After New Infertility Treatment" Oct. 2005:
“Over one hundred babies have been born or are expected by women diagnosed infertile after receiving a new physical therapy treatment, similar to a deep massage.”

WebMD Medical News, "A Hands-On Approach for Infertility: Patented Massage Treatment Shows Promise in Difficult-to-Treat Cases" by Salynn Boyles, Oct. 23, 2002:
Stacy says, “When I started the treatment they told me I might get pregnant, but I laughed. . . .Two months later I was pregnant. I couldn’t believe it.”

www.conceivingconcepts.com, "New Infertility Treatment Shows Success Without Surgery or Drugs" March 2002:
“Women [all diagnosed as infertile] became pregnant after they received a new therapy, without resorting to surgery or drugs, using a treatment that combines physical therapy with ‘site-specific’ massage.”

The Sioux Falls Argus Leader, "Alternative paths to pregnancy" by Monica LaBelle, March 21, 2007:
“Miranda credits the nondrug, nonsurgical treatment done by Clear Passage Therapies® for the baby girl she’s expecting April 10.”

The Tampa Tribune (a NY Times publication), "At Long Last, Baby" by Karla Jackson, July 17, 2003:
“A Citrus Park couple with an infant daughter credit a massage technique for helping them end years of infertility.”

The Gainesville Sun (a NY Times publication), "Area Therapist Has Answer to Infertility" by Bob Arndorfer, 5/02:
“I did the ‘Wurn therapy’ which involved manipulation for the tubes and ovaries to put everything back in order” Alex said. A few months later, a home pregnancy test turned out positive and nine months later a healthy 9-pounder named Henry was born.”

The Gainesville Sun (a NY Times publication), "Mother Credits Therapy with Daughter’s Birth" by Doris Chandler, May 10, 1998:
“[The couple] had tried various fertility treatments for about ten years. But then the unexpected happened. She became pregnant with Simone, which the couple attribute to physical therapy treatments at a Gainesville clinic.”
INCIID Insights, "Relief from Endometriosis Pain and Unexplained Infertility -Dana’s Story" by Jacqueline Schuld, April/May 2006:
Mom speaks after therapy: “It feels so wonderful being pregnant. I want other infertile women to know that they are not alone. That there is a chance.”
INCIID Insights, "Recurrent Miscarriage - My story" by Angela N. Richardson, Feb, 2006:
“Who would have thought that the answers to my longings and prayers would lie in a natural, relaxing form of physical therapy. No needles, no pain, no drugs, no surgeries – just the healing power of human touch!”
INCIID Insights, "Blocked Fallopian Tubes, Endometriosis, Ovarian Cysts - Valerie’s Story" by Amy Burnette, January 2006:
“Clear Passage is truly a blessing to couples like us and we will be forever grateful [Valerie and Bill with baby Grace]. There was hope after all.”

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