Studies Show New Massage and Physical Therapy Technique Increased Pregnancy Rates in Infertile Women

unique new massage and physical therapy technique greatly increased pregnancy rates in infertile women, according to two studies reported in the June 18, 2004 issue of Medscape General Medicine, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health.

The researchers reported that the Wurn Technique(R) (patent pending) is highly effective at increasing fertility in both natural conception and in vitro fertilization (IVF). The therapy uses neither drugs nor surgery.

The natural fertility study reported a 71% (10/14) pregnancy success rate within one year of receiving the new treatment. Nine of the ten women (90%) who conceived had a full-term delivery.

A second study found that therapy significantly increased clinical pregnancy rates when performed within 15 months before in vitro fertilization (IVF). Twothirds (67%) of women who received the non-surgical herapy became pregnant with their next IVF transfer, versus the 41% national average. The
study also showed a 57% pregnancy rate among women aged 41 or older. The average duration of infertility for patients in both studies was five years.

“The therapy appears to improve fertility in women with a wide array of unexplained or adhesion-related infertility,” said co-author Richard King, MD, an independent gynecologist and research physician. “Many of the subjects had histories including prior infection, inflammation, surgery or trauma.”

In the pre-IVF study, 19 of 25 women (76%) reported pregnancy and 15 (60%) gave birth or are still pregnant. The study compared the rate of pregnancy per embryo transfer of fresh, non-donor eggs with the national age-adjusted averages reported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Clinical pregnancies were documented in 22 of 33 embryo transfers (67%), a highly statistically significant difference in favor of the women who received the therapy prior to transfer.

“None of the patients in either study reported any observable complications or adverse side effects,” said Belinda Wurn, physical therapist, who developed the technique with her husband, massage therapist Larry Wurn. “In fact, nearly all patients reported decreased pain, and anecdotal evidence suggests increased
sexual arousal, following therapy.” “We feel this work will be a major adjunct to regular gynecologic care and will increase success rates for fertility physicians worldwide,” Larry Wurn said.

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