Julie, a former patient, talks about treatment at Clear Passage and how it has changed her life.
What brought you to Clear Passage? I had an IUD put in in 2009. Immediately afterward, I began to experience a little pain during intercourse which got worse until I got the IUD removed in January 2012. The pain continued and in November 2012, I had a laparoscopy. The doctor discovered adhesions and endometriosis. She also performed an HSG test which revealed that both fallopian tubes were completely blocked. I was informed that my only options for children were IVF or adoption and she didn’t know what to do about the painful intercourse. I used the Internet to search the words adhesions, blocked tubes, painful intercourse and Clear Passage was one of the first sites to come up. The information and the clinical research made very practical sense to me, so I decided to try it.
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