At a Glance: Bowel Obstruction

What causes bowel obstruction? Adhesions (internal scars) form in the small intestines (small bowel) and sometimes in the large intestines (colon), preventing the body from processing food.

What are the signs of a bowel obstruction? The first indication of a bowel obstruction is often pain, nausea or vomiting accompanied by difficulty or inability to pass gas or stool.

How serious is bowel obstruction? Bowel obstruction can be a life-threatening condition. According to data provided by the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) – in 2009, after an average hospital stay of nearly two weeks (13.3 days), about 1 out of 13 people (roughly 7%) with a primary diagnosis of small bowel obstruction died before discharge from the hospital.

Our therapists have had many successes decreasing or eliminating the adhesions that block the intestines. Learn more about how the Wurn Technique treats bowel obstruction.


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An image of a doctor treating a patient with SIBO.

Clear Passage®️ strives to provide our patients with the finest hands-on therapy in the world. We team with each patient and focus 100% of our effort on each patient’s goals, in a professional but compassionate environment. 

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